Unit 3: Absolute Value Equations & Inequalities
In Algebra 2, students analyze and apply operations using multiple representations of functions to compare, interpret data, and make inferences. Functions include (but not limited to) linear, exponential, quadratic, absolute value, inverse, piecewise, cubic, polynomial, trigonometric, logarithms, etc. They use statistics in real world contexts to develop solutions.
The Story of Algebra 2 - Unit 3: Quadratics & Polynomials (Up to 34 days, end of semester)
The big ideas of this unit are creating, rewriting, rearranging, graphing, comparing, solving, and exploring key features and average rate of change of quadratics & polynomial functions. Building on quadratic functions from Algebra 1, they are now compared and contrasted with polynomial functions and extended over the set of complex numbers, which is the perfect time to reengage Algebra 1 concepts without going back to reteach them. Arithmetic with polynomial expressions is another big idea of the unit with identifying & using zeroes while performing arithmetic on polynomials being the focus (A-APR.3 with A-APR.1 embedded) while other A-APR supporting standards like the Remainder Theorem, Polynomial Identities & the Binomial Theorem (A-APR.2, A-APR.4 & A-APR.5) are a chance to dive deeper into the topic, time permitting. Other opportunities for depth in this unit include diving deeper into interpreting expressions (A-SSE.1), if they are not already embedded in first instruction of (A-SSE.2); and, identifying & graphing circles and parabolas, a California additional standard (G-GPE.3.1).
Unit 3 Notes
Students in Algebra II extend their notion of number to include complex numbers & see how the introduction of this set of numbers yields the solutions of polynomial equations and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. By comparison & connection, students reengage with quadratics from Algebra 1. Likewise, students use the zeros of a polynomial to create a rough sketch of its graph & connect the results to their understanding of polynomials as functions.
Please note: the connecting standards in gray are essential standards, perhaps the most essential standards; they are not something previously covered and superfluous. They are standards revisited throughout the course in new and different contexts.
Vocabulary, Tools & Developmental Notes from SBAC
A-CED.A Creating Equations; Graph & Rearrange Formulas: Quadratics & Polynomials
N-CN.7 Quadratic Equations with Complex Roots
There is no Claim 1 Item Specification for N-CN.7 but it is embedded in Target I, Level 4. Developmental Notes for Target I (A-REI.4b from Algebra 1 are below):
F-IF.C Graph Quad. & Polynomial Functions; Equiv. Forms of Quadratic Functions; Comparing Two Functions
F-IF.B Key Features of a Graph; Average Rate of Change
A-SSE.2 Rewriting Expressions: Polynomials
A-APR.3 (embed A-APR.1) Zeroes of Polynomials
The Developmental Notes below are from Target F (A-APR.1); A-APR.3 is found in Claim 3.
A-REI.11. Solution Sets on a Line or Region; Graphing & Solving Two Functions
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