Sixth Form

The HHEx in Our Sixth Form

The Hemel Hempstead Experience continues for all of our Sixth Form students. As part of our commitment to developing the whole student and building our school character values, we offer an impressive number of opportunities to students beyond the classroom.

Our Sixth Form students participate in a range of clubs & activities, take on a variety of leadership roles and have opportunities to contribute to our school community. Some of these are identified below.

Student Leadership

We encourage all of our students to take on leadership positions within the school. Our Year 12 students have the chance to apply to be Junior Prefects, which then leads into our Senior Prefect team in Year 13, including our Head Student positions. Many of our sixth form students act as mentors to KS3 students, meeting them weekly to support them. This may be emotional support, offering advice and guidance, or supporting them in Maths or English. Finally, our Sixth Form students play a major role in many of our larger whole school events and charity events, whether it be marshalling at the Fun Run, officiating at Sports Day, organising the annual Charity Football match, running their stall at Mistletoe Day, taking a place on the Dragon’s Apprentice team or volunteering to fund raise for Marie Curie cancer care.

House System

Our Sixth Form students have the opportunity to take part in our wide range of House events and competitions such as House Dance, House Drama, and Sports Day.

Year 12 students have the opportunity to apply for House Captain leadership positions to organise and and lead these events. Our Sixth Form students support our younger students and encourage their participation in these events.

D of E Award Scheme

We offer students the chance to complete the Gold Duke of Edinburgh award. Students can do direct entry for this, not having had to complete the bronze off silver awards previously.

PE & Sport

Our students continue to take part in regular physical activity and have the opportunity to represent the school in competitive sport. We have senior school teams in Football, Rugby, Basketball and Netball. These teams have weekly training sessions and regular competitive fixtures. All students have 1 hour of 'Sixth Form Games' per fortnight on their timetables and take part in recreational physical activity and exercise.

Performing Arts

The drama department have annual productions, with the school musical and the sixth form plays happening on alternate years. Within Dance our students have the opportunity to perform and/or choreograph in the biannual Dance Show, join lunch technique classes/workshops that are offered to our A Level Dance students, and leadership opportunities are offered to assist in teaching and choreographing for our KS3 Dance Company, Pulse. Our Music department runs a large number bands and choirs to suit all musical tastes. Our sixth form students have also been seen to run some of these for younger students as part of their curriculum.

Dragon's Apprentice

We enter a team in the Dragon’s Apprentice competition every year. Teams are paired with a local dragon and a local charity and are tasked to turn £100 seed money into £1000 through fundraising activities. Our student teams were crowned the overall winners in Dacorum in 2018, 2019 and 2020.


Our sixth form students have the opportunity to take part in a number of trips across their two years with us. Many of these are residential. Some of our more recent trips have included places such as skiing in the USA, a Philosophy trip to Rome, the Music tour to Spain, and History trips to Krakow and Auschwitz and the annual visit to the UCAS exhibition to name just a few.

Community Enrichment

Our sixth form students commit to 1 hour of community enrichment per week in Year 12. This allows them to contribute positively to our school and local community. Examples include students helping younger students in lessons, supporting staff in running clubs & activities or volunteering to help out with local charities and shops.