
Click HERE for information

Get Smarter About Money - includes Money Essentials, a survival guide for students & a financial guide for post-secondary students.

Click HERE for numerous Financial Resources

Ontario School Counsellors Association - offers a number of financial planning tools/links including College & University budgeting worksheets.

Click HERE for information

RESP (Registered Education Savings Plans) - Many parents wonder how much to save for their child's education. They also wonder how soon they should start. The answer is simple. Save Early, Earn More. Even small savings each year will translate into substantial savings later.

Click HERE to find Schools, Programs, and Careers

Click HERE for SchoolFinder - is linked to Scholarships Canada. Become a member and search for Schools, Programs, and Careers.

Click HERE for resources

Your Money/Canadian Bankers Association - a financial literacy resource for students, teachers and parents