
Mindfulness if about living moment-to-moment, and exploring and accepting your current feelings, thoughts and behaviours - the good, the bad and the ugly.

What is mindfulness and why is it important?

Creating a more mindful environment for children helps with grounding and centering , for those moments when a child would benefit from being reminded of their own steadiness and strength. Mindfulness develops the whole brain and helps children to understand their emotions and feelings. Practicing mindfulness helps children notice their strengths, and develop a sense of centeredness, gratitude and contentment. All of this equals a happy, balanced child! Mindfulness greatly improves our sense of self-awareness, and it empowers us to engage in the world in meaningful ways.| Global Guardian Project |
  • improves stress
  • facilitates emotional regulation
  • improves self-awareness
  • increases ones sense of gratitude
  • improves communication
  • reduces feelings associated with anxiety
  • enhances empathy
  • improves focus and
Our Brain & Mindfulness
We learned all about our brain to truly understand why being mindful is beneficial to our learning and to our overall health.

Lindsay is a friend of mine who always has wonderful mindful ideas for children and families. Check out what she suggests for you at home!

March 20th Newsletter.pdf
Self Love Activity Page