Learning @ Home


When we tell learners to complete an assignment, we get compliance. "When we e m p o w e r learners to investigate how to make an impact on the world, we INSPIRE problem solvers and innovators."

| Ms. Bothmer |


Twitter: @ms_bothmer

June 22nd - 26th Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.Friday: 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.Open Space Google Meet: Wednesday @ 10:00 | Last Day of School Google Meet Celebration: Friday @ 10:00 a.m.
Ms. Bothmer's Bitmoji Class
“Be intentional as you can be about the choices that you make, and the people that you bring into your life. Know that you can keep going long after you feel that you can’t; we are a lot braver and stronger than we like to give ourselves credit for. Always be growing and always be grateful - and most importantly, be okay with living life at your own pace. I am.”
- Kristina Bothmer