Updates for Families

I will use this space to upload previous e-mail updates, add quick tips to find resources, and as a space to include any information that you may need to see. I will always be sure to have the date of the post. The most recent posts will be at the top of this page.
There is a specific tab for both the Mid-Week Check-In emails that have been sent and the Bothmer Friday Recap!
Date: Monday, April 6th, 2020RE: Introduction to our Class Website
Hello to my kiddos!
We have had an interesting few weeks since we last saw each other. This experience will be something our children and even our grandchildren will learn all about through you. COVID-19 will probably be in the history books one day. You will be the expert and will be able to tell those younger than you all about it! I have been thinking of you all so much and have been wondering what you have been up to for the past few weeks? Thank you to those of you who have reached out to say, hello - it makes my day! I have been busy cleaning, organizing, reading, spending time outside, face timing with family and friends, doing Yoga and Pilates, preparing for our shift to online learning, and spending much more time being mindful, thinking about all that I am grateful for and what this experience is trying to teach us. While the school is closed, you and your parents will be able to contact me by email. I will check my email every day. I will also have office hours each week where I will be able to respond to emails right away. You can see my office hours posted above. Make sure to use these office hours if you have any questions about your "Learn at Home" weekly plans and activities. I will try my best to figure things out with you. We have to remember this is all a new learning experience for everyone, me included. You can also send me photos of your work and I will give you feedback during this time.
We are going to be reading, writing and learning math each week. We will continue with our inquiry learning, which will include activities outside. I would love to see what you are working on, so please send me an email during my office hours or at the end of the week with what you did. You are welcome to explore and navigate through Google Drive and the "waffle" icon in the top right of your screen (once logged into Google). Use the HDSB login information I sent to your parents in an email as your username and password. We will slowly begin to use Google Drive more as an easier option for sharing your learning with me.
To see the plans for this week (April 6th - 10th), go to the top right of this page to the drop down menu. Click "Learn @ Home Plans" and you will then see a tab for "Week of April 6th" - click here.
When going through this week's Learn at Home Plan, you will see that there is some learning that is specific to each grade (math, social studies). Grade ones are welcome to also explore the Grade two activities and vice versa, however, please complete your grade activities first. Sending you lots of love, positive vibes and of course, big hugs. You got this grade ones and twos! Ms. Bothmer