Step 4: Select Subject Combination

Check out the subjects offered in HCI and identify the subjects that you qualify for and interest you after the academic activities. Consider possible university courses and career options each subject offers and factor these considerations into your decision-making process. 

What's available in HCI?

For details on Subject Information & Prerequisites, and Special Programmes at Hwa Chong Institution, please refer to this link on HCI Website. 

Please note that the list of subject combinations is subjected to change. The list is NOT indicative of subject combinations that would be offered.

Subject Registration

Click here to access ISP to register for your subject combination

Is choosing the ‘right’ combination a guarantee of success?

The answer is no.  

Making an informed decision of your subjects based on your skills, abilities and aspiration prepares you for a learning journey that is meaningful to you and one which you are more likely to enjoy, endure and strive to excel. Only the continuous strive for academic excellence can lead to accomplished goals.  

Learning is a continuous process that challenges you to perform better each time. The demands of an 'A' level syllabus require diligence, positive work ethic, perseverance and taking ownership of your own learning to succeed in doing well.

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