Calendar of Events/Timelines

Registration for University and ECG Talks are completed via CIALFO. Please log into your cialfo account and sign up.  Login using your personal gmail account.

Career Talks are extra special in ECG, we organise them throughout the year and invite speakers from a range of industries to share their knowledge with you via panel style talks. Career Talks information and registrations are posted via emb. Do check emb regularly and signup there. 

ECG Events not to be missed.pdf


J1 Timeline.pdf
J2 Timeline.pdf

UK Application Timeline & Flowchart

UK Application Timeline.pdf

Edit: Please take note of the change in the Cambridge Internal and Official Deadline.

NOTE: Major UK & UCAS Briefing is the most important briefing to attend if you are applying for the UK Universities. It is scheduled on 27 July 2023, Thursday

UK Application Flowchart.pdf

US Application Timeline & Flowchart

US Application Timeline.pdf

NOTE: Major US & CIALFO Briefing is the most important briefing to attend if you are applying for the US Universities. It is scheduled on 21 July 2023, Friday

US Applications Flowchart.pdf

Local Medicine Timeline

2021-2022 Recommended Timeline for Application to Local Schools of Medicine.pdf