University Admission Points (UAP)

1.     How do I calculate my UAP scores?

The University Admission Points (UAP) is calculated as follows:

Note: If you have taken MTL, you can determine whether inclusion of your MTL increases your overall UAP. If it does, leave it. Otherwise, stick to the pre-MTL UAP. Simply add the point equivalent of your MTL grade, (then it should be out of 100 now), and base it back to 90.

The table below shows the ranking points for H2 and H1 level for each grade attained:

Example 1:

For a student who took PCME/GP and has obtained the following results:

H2 Physics: A      H2 Chem: A     H2 Math: B     H2 Econs: B     H1 GP: B     H1 PW: A

UAP = 20 + 20 + 17.5 + 8.75 + 8.75 +10 = 85.0


Example 2:

For a student who took PCM/KI and has obtained the following results:

H2 Physics: A     H2 Chem: A     H2 Math: B     H2 KI: B     H1 PW: A

UAP = 20 + 20 + 17.5 + 8.75 + 8.75 + 10 = 85.0

General/University Matters

1.   4 H2 subjects will yield a maximum University Admission Points (UAP) of 100 instead of 90. Does this mean reading 4 H2 subjects will be an advantage? 

The UAP is calculated using the student’s best 3 H2 and 1 H1 content subjects together with GP and PW. For students offering  4 H2 subjects, the worst H2 subject will be counted as the H1 grade in the calculation of UAP. Please visit NUS website for more details.


2.     What is the advantage in computing UAP with a 4th H2 subject as opposed to a H1 subject? 

No advantage. Please see above.


3.     How is my UAP calculated if I take H2 KI and hence does not do H1 GP?

You will be taking the minimum number of academic units and will hence need to take all the other content subjects at H2. KI will be counted twice as two H1 subjects (one in place of GP and one for H1 requirement). The other three H2 subjects and one H1 GP will be counted as normal. Please see:


Subject Combination 

1.    What is the average number of H2 subjects that students take in HCI? What is the minimum number of subjects a student can take? Can you read 5 H2 subjects?

The standard combination is three H2 and one H1 content subject. The expanded curriculum is four H2.  In addition, a student has to take H1 General Paper, H1 Project Work and H1 Chinese (if necessary).

A student cannot take 5 H2 as that will exceed maximum academic units (AU) allowed. However, the student can choose to take an extra H1 content subject or apply for H3 in JC2 (which 1 AU) if he/she meets the requirements.


2.    Can the contrasting subject be read at the H2 level, while one of the main content subjects is read at the H1 level? 


3.    Can the students take all three Sciences at JC level? 

This is not recommended as the student has to take on a 5th subject as a contrasting subject (e.g. H1 Econs). That will add on to the workload significantly and the contrasting subject cannot be dropped. 

For students who are very interested in sciences and do well, we encourage those who are eligible to apply for one H3 subject of their choice in JC 2 year instead.


1.    Will reading 3 H2 and 1 H1 subjects put me at a disadvantage when applying for a scholarship?

It depends on the organisation which you are applying to. There are some organisation such as A*STAR that specify that the applicant should have minimum 11 academic units. (The standard combination of 3H2 1H1 has only 10 AU). There are also organisations that only state excellent academic record as one of the selection criteria.  

Contact Us

For general enquiries with regard to subjects and subject combinations (for 2023 JC 1 (Yr 5)), please email: enquiryC1@hci.edu.sg

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