Project APE


<<In STEM 2 this semester, we wanted to figure out a way to make puppets for our AP Lit class. We had to do some research to find some templates to cut out for our body and head. We ended up making a total number of five puppets. Each of them looked different than each other. Once we had out template to picked out we took those template and used them to cut our our body and heads. Once they were cut out we had to glue them together with hot glue and this was a very hard and lengthy process. Once these were glued together we started to make the eyes, eyelids, clothes, and hair for each of the puppets. We also had to pick the color of the felt for them too. Then the last step was to put all of the items together to create our puppets.>>

<<Katlyn Durham>>

<<RBHS class of 2018>>