Cigar Box Guitar

<<Cigar Box Guitar>>

<<In the Winter of 2018, my group and I had a lot of extra wood and these need machines that we wanted to test and use. Mr. Craig gave us the idea to make Cigar Box guitars. This would involve us to use the laser cutter, vinyl cutter, the drill press, and the scroll saw. The steps we used were research, build a prototype, and construct. Some of the problems we have come across is when using the laser cutter the measurement aren’t exact causing us to make multiple prototypes. Overall this project has helped me use machines I never thought I would use and I can use that knowledge to teach other people.>>

<<Kendall Stolpmann>>

<<RBHS class of 2020>>

<<Cigar Box Guitar>>

<<My team and I have decided to make cigar box guitars to exhibit and also play in our personal time. There were many steps that we had to achieve, and still have to achieve in order to complete it. First, we had to get the right measurements for the box and for the neck of the guitar. After figuring that out, we would cut the neck to our preferred size and sand it, while crafting the box. During that time, we could put any design that we wanted on the box, or we could just keep it the same. For my box, I painted it. Then, we put all of the screws, tuners, and the strings in the guitar to give it a finishing touch. It’s not yet complete, but we are quite proud of our progress so far.>>

<<-Alexis McConnell>>

<<Class of 2020>>

<<Cigar Box Guitar exhibit>>

<<With my chosen project of the cigar box guitar I wanted to focus on giving it a good sound that can be played both acoustically and electrically, I am focusing more on personal use to learn how to play on my own time. This being said I’m making sure it’s a project I’m truly happy with by making sure that the instrument is pleasing to both the eyes and the ear. I’m planning to give it rustic look to go with the type of blues music I will play with it. I gathered most materials from this class with some coming from home for example; tuners. I’m going to use acrylic for fret wiring and vinyl for a pickguard which would just be used for aesthetics.thank you. >>

<< John Morales>>

<<Class of 2019>>

Partscaster Guitar