Classroom Video Production

You'd be hard-pressed to find a more engaging method to expand the concept of literacy. 

Having a sense of where to start makes all the difference.

Smartphone Filmmaking 101: MediaShift

Novice (getting started)



Video How-to

Intermediate (pull focus to Story)


Google Slides: a great place to storyboard. At the minimum, we can hit some bullet points.

"Get it on paper and big things will happen." Again, I cannot emphasize enough that using Post-its for creating those stick-person framing ideas is a real time saver!

Script Writing Software helps you get your ideas on paper and look professional!


Adobe Education Exchange: Lesson Plans/Ideas. Geared toward using Premiere, but useful, nevertheless. "We’ll help you get started and develop your understanding of how to plan, shoot, edit and publish video."

Vimeo Film School!: Don't know how? No problem. Tüts (that's short for Tutorials). Be advised that some Vimeo content is NSFW (nudity, language, mostly).

More Wistia

DSLRGuide: Simon is the best, he's super transparent about the struggles (literal and philosophical) of storytelling.

Fancier Equipment 

Expert (my credential hasn't arrived, so I'll try to imagine...)

YouTube streaming:

Switching: allows you to set up multiple camera angles and switch between them. 

More equipment you might not need, but...why the heck not?


Storyboard Templates, by no means exhaustive.