Winter 2022

Red Intensity

This piece depicts holding onto a source of comfort when anxiety can be overwhelming.

Medium used: color pencil and red thread

Christina San, 11th Grade


Staring at my reflection

I’m reminded of the visible difference

Between you and I

Pearly skin

Straight hair

Blue eyes

Brown eyes

Coily hair

Dark, fair skin

Between you and I

I’m reminded of the visible difference

Staring at my reflection

Eryonne Jefferson, 12th Grade


I heard banging

I heard yelling

I heard screaming and shouting

I heard I hate you

I heard I’m leaving

I heard the door open

I heard the alarm go off

I heard the door slam

I heard the car engine

I heard her leave me

Rikiyah Davis, 11th Grade

The Tilting Towers

Never shall I forget the TVs changing in the middle of shows

Never shall I forget the sound of those who jumped

Never shall I forget the burning brave flames of those who risked their lives

Never shall I forget the screeching comms of walkie-talkies

Never shall I forget the tilting towers consuming the streets

Never shall I forget the screams and panics and cries of the innocent

Bryce Hardy, 10th Grade

The Chase

(click to expand)

Eryonne Jefferson, 12th Grade

The Chase

Showcasing some of our favorite poets to help celebrate BHM.

Visit upstairs B hall to see some more celebrated poets.

Caged Bird

Maya Angelou

Love Rejected

Lucille Clifton

The Rose That Grew From Concrete

Tupac Shakur


Langston Hughes


James Baldwin