Winter 2021

The Six Word Memoir Project

Can you sum up your life, yourself, your year, or your high school experience in just

six little words?

The class of 2021 was challenged to do this.

the result? They have proven just how powerful words can be.

Forever isn't promised, so why wait?

-Jaiden Richmond

Life is to vibe and glide.

-Khashad Brenson

Ups and downs and growing better.

-Marissa Lee

Finding your true happiness is internal.

-Jamiyah Wilkerson

Don't let the world ruin you.

-DeJa Watson

It's been a long crazy ride.

-Jenny Nguyen

2020 was bad; high school sucks.

-Alaysha Bulliner

Empathetic, confident, unpredictable, sociable, open-minded, authoritative.

-Aunshauneya McBride

I'm a lizard with small tigers.

-Terrell Earl

New days are for bigger ideas.

-Terri Dale

Stressful, Isolated, Pressure, College, Test, Future.

-Yasmine Love

Caring person, nice life, weird school.

-Donyell Pinkard

I'm keeping my promise for you.

-Kaylin Dixon

Caps and gowns. Ups and downs.

-Hannah Thomas

Different. Challenging. Overcoming. Passion. All in.

-Lauren White

The hill looks tall from below.

-Alex Brimer

Fitted in; better off standing out.

-Jordan Cooper

As we go on, we remember.

-Gerald Powell

Living my dream...success is next!

-Diamond Leak

It's nice to finally be alive.

-Desia Johnson

I slowly started to heal myself.

-Amaya Smith

Bullying is wrong, but move on.

-Damarri Trimble

The last four years...just wasted.

-Kyndal Davis

Play soccer; it's cooler than sleeping.

-BreLynn Young

The oldest, but treated like youngest.

-Taylor Davidson

Inspiring. Motive. Relations. Stressful. Determined. Fun.

-Semaj Dean

Nature is the calmness of souls.

-Terrah Simms

Finding peace after a long journey.

-Ariel Hopkins

Think about the good in life.

-Luther Ester

Humble, respectful, achieving, outgoing, meek, modest.

-Christian Carter

May food be your everlasting peace.

-J'Lessa Jordan

Real good kid in mad city.

-Thomas Hicks

Memories can only go so far.

-Iyana Oliver

Keep them close. Love their love.

-Cameron Doss

Forgot to say I love you.

-Justin Robinson

High school: worst part of life.

-Kyah Lewis

Best year at the wrong time.

-Brooklyn Bishop

I am very goofy and hilarious.

-De'Rius Ewing

Ominous feelings are blocking my path.

-Honesty Powe

I am extremely ready to go.

-Nandi Moore-Washington

I'm too inventive for this planet.

-Jalyn Alexander

Live life and never stop striving.

-Dewayne Heard

Die with memories, not dreams.

-Kendall Handy

Climbed life's mountains without a compass.

-Mrs. Wilimzig


Snow falling

Water turning to ice

Heaters turning on

Fires started

One by one

Snowflakes fall

Snow balls are made

Snow men are built

Little by little

The snow melts

Water turns to liquid

Snowmen fade away

And springtime begins

Noah Nuncio, 10th Grade

Remember the Time

Remember the time when you could go wherever you wanted

without thinking twice about it. Or when you could go to school even though

you really never cared for being around people.

Otherwise you would have just been the kid in class that always made everybody's day and had

everyone laughing.

Remember when you could let out energy in the gym and mess around with the girls.

On the other hand you probably miss planning things to do with family and friends without

having to rush to be the first one somewhere, or not to be the last.

Most of us have already become tired of each other from being together so long during this


And the other half of us started becoming entrepreneurs.

During this quarantine you should have learned how to live through it and if it happens again

what you could do better next time.

Emmanuel Blue, 10th Grade


2019 was a great year

Getting be free outside going around people and not having to worry

Coming home from school going outside

Excited to go with friends

The hot summer days were the best

Playing tag with the neighborhood

Laughing walking down the street to the gas stations

Drinking water after water because it's hot

Staying outside past street lights, being forced to come in by parents

Now things have shifted

Walking down the streets alone and scared

Those friends have vanished

The new people in the neighborhood don't come outside

They are looking out of their windows

All the fun days are thrown away

Life is different now

All the childhood friends gone

All moved on.

Kamryn Burns, 10th Grade

Warrington Village


a word that

we all understand

A word

that we think


hand and hand

With a group

of people we

all grew up with

That could

truly understand

a feeling of fellowship

with others

The ones we consider

sisters and brothers

In apartments


Broken concrete stairs

Seeing little kids

Run down the side walk

With braided hair

Diffferent numbers

Different buildings

Whole nother race


We grew up

in the same place

Tayanna Davidson, 10th Grade


Life can be funny sometimes

Good things or bad things can


It's not always a good place

Some days, it can be the best day

Of your life

Other days

It can be a nightmare

Justine Jackson, 10th Grade

The Hidden Rain

It's dark and gloomy

Like the rain

It's filled with pain

It used to be fun but now it’s not the same

The people are happy like it’s a sunny day

But in reality they hide their pain away

Everyone must work, no laugh nor play

There is no escape, every person must stay

Ernest Shields, 10th Grade


I stand for BLM and no one can change that

It's what's inside of us that matter, not the color black

It hurts to see the way that cops treat the black community

Fighting for a forever change and stopping police brutality

We the black people, are all victims of hate

We never chose this life but it's the world we face

Standing strong together we all pray that we make it out

We’re going to keep our heads up standing tall and proud

Charles Love, 10th Grade

The Struggle is Real!

Day by day

We gotta live with the past

Knowing how life was

It went so fast

And it hurts so bad

Looking at old pictures

And staring at old gifts

The memories start flooding back

I feel really sick

It's like a bird hit my head

Their sweet voices

Play in my head

I get onto my knees and start to beg

Why it had to happen

Or why to me

It feels as they're so far

But they're just down the street

If I could change what had happen

I’d do it so fast

But we can’t go back into the past

The pain is like

My sister's hair on a Sunday night

They always had family


And now all I see is my walls

Oh how happy we were I’m now so sad

I can’t even go outside

Without thinking about my past

With all the joy I had before

I must've had it stored

It's long gone

And I can't wait to have it back

It feels like my grandma stepped on my back

Even though they're not fully gone

I still wish we had more time

With short notice no time for goodbyes

Not knowing it was the last

Make me think

Bout the last words

Maria Smith, 10th Grade


During this time

we as teens

are being swallowed

by our

personal darkness

and our parents with

all their experience

can’t help us

some things

help us cope

by channeling

our greatest influences

likes singers and


In order to control the


it needs a face

when it becomes

Someone else

Something else

can we be free

without all the

weight on our


But we mustn't

forget that our


makes us stronger

Even if it’s separate

From us, it’s

Also a part

Of us

Kobe Goodwin, 10th Grade

Fun in the Sun

One by one

All the kids get

Off the bus

And rush to get home

Their yards

Are filled with

A bunch of fun

Even with slime and foam

It was going

To be

The best day of

Their lives

Hopefully everyone

Stays safe,

Don’t get injured

Or mess with bee hives

Charles Love, 10th Grade


Gangways, corner stores, alleys

was all I knew for

a period of my life

In the morning

neighbors woke me

like an alarm


I grew jealous

of the sleeping giant

because he had

what I lacked

My eyes mad at me

because they wish

for a break

9th grade year

I was exposed

to a place I didn't know

that helped me grow

I silently secured sleep

And my eyes got


Bryan Tilson, 10th Grade

Northern Lights

Wesley Shelton

The inspiration of my work is to show the beauty of nature and the struggles nature goes through. This piece is a part of my drawing investigation. I'm drawing the progression of this mother fox's life as she struggles to keep her and her family alive. As of now, they are taking refuge in this hayloft of a barn and as they are sleeping, the Northern Lights are shining over them.

Medium Used: Charcoal pastel pencils on black paper.

The Energy

Gabrielle Vence, 9th Grade

My inspiration for the piece would have to be the sun, and the positivity nature gives out. Medium used: acrylic paint on canvas

Rising Tides and Falling Skies

Mrs. Carroll, Art Teacher

In Computer Graphics we work on masking layers and blending techniques in photoshop to alter the natural environment between at least 2 photographs. After a brief climate change research project, students pick one predicted outcome of climate change to focus on for their project. Students then blend real images to create an exaggerated climate change outcome. I was inspired to create this project after seeing fire-tornados in California this summer. I never knew such a disaster was possible, and it made me wonder what other disasters could potentially combine into one. Medium: Digital Media

Global Warming

A'hmeena King, 10th Grade

The use of burning fossil fuels and how they pollute the air, by producing large amounts of carbon dioxide when burned. The carbon emissions trap heat in the atmosphere and lead to some form of change in the climate; having a harmful impact on life. Medium: Digital Media


Tracy Nguyen, 11th Grade

The specific scientific prediction of climate change that my image represented was the “melting” of the Arctic. In the future, with how we are going right now, more places in the Arctic will catch on fire, disrupting the environment and its inhabitants. Medium: Digital Media

A Monument Overtaken by Human Negligence

MaCaleb Thompson, 12th Grade

The glaciers melting and submerging NYC underwater. Medium: Digital Media