Spring 2021

Staff Haikus

The HCHS staff was asked to write a haiku inspired by "life as an adult" Their haiku could be serious or silly, full of wit or wisdom; it was completely up to them!

Live every moment

Breathe life in and enjoy it

Look for the beauty

Ms. Amy

DHH - Interpreter

High expectations

Each stage of your existence

Enjoy each moment

Mr. Martin


You can eat pizza daily

and can stay up all night long

but then regret it

Doc Fo-Co


Take care of your own.

"Adulting" is not a word.

Hipsters aren't adults.

Mr. W

Library/Comic Book Boss

paperwork. passwords.

forgetting all your passwords.

and more paperwork.

B. Abel


Marriage, kids, travel

Blink- it all goes by so fast

Most fun I have had

Mr. Koester

Social Studies

The price of freedom

is responsibility.

Trust me. It's worth it.

Miss AJ


Fear not getting old

Is no way to avoid it

So just embrace it

Mr. Juengel


I hate adult life

Paying bills really sucks balls

I have no money

Coach Boyer


I'm pulling the kids

Waterskiing on our lake

Picture perfect day

Mrs. Schultz


Parents set you free

The decisions you will make

Laugh, love, calm, control

Dr. Karius

Assistant Principal

Life goes by too fast,

Basically, YOU make Life great,

Travel, inspire, love

Ms. H (Horstmann)


Life is derived time

Time is all we truly have

How will we use it

Mr. Wilkinson

Dropout Prevention & Recovery Liason

Life with Post It Notes

Neon, pastel, I don't care

Things have to get done

Mrs. Callaway


Making decisions;

accomplishing major goals;

treasure each moment.

Mrs. Gervich

Instructional Coach

Can’t say what I think

More responsibilities

Wiping poopy butts

Mr Davis

SSD - Chemistry & Government

My amygdala

runs my life, check back on my

twenty-fifth birthday

Ms. Krenning

Performing Arts

I dance to N*Sync

Arthritis creeps in on me

Get me Advil now

Ms. Foster

Social Studies

Grey hair and wrinkles

Somebody find my glasses

I need more coffee

Ms. Cavanaugh


Advice I would give,

Eat all your veggies always,

like Mom says to do

Mrs. White

Social Studies

Goodbye simple life

Responsibility hits

Welcome bills bills bills

Mrs. Nickens


Find out who I am.

Do good. Help. Improve the world.

Always keep learning.

Mrs. Powers

Work Prep Program - Clayton Site SSD

I did not learn this,

I’m winging it every day.

There are no answers.

Ms. Jamerson


kids interrupting.

no peace. no quiet. and you

never get to finish what

B. Abel


Cook. Clean. Work. Pay Bills.

Stay young as long as you can

Adulting- no fun.

Ms. Milberg


Now that I’m old, I’m

excited about lame things.

Like duvet covers.

Mrs. Wilimzig


The best adulthood

Is both doing good work and

Being a big kid

Mr. Johnston

Social Studies

From trying to find

purpose to trying to find

a point to it all.

Ms. Camarota


Random box of cords

Bags inside bags inside bags

Is this adulting?

Ms. Walsh

Fine Arts

The meaning of life?

First, help me recall each of

my dadgum passwords!

Mr. F (Facchin)


It happened to you.

It's in the past. Done. Over.

Why still let it hurt?

tribulations aplenty

a journey with one harbor

gathering knowledge

Mr. Little


Content look on life

A few physical aches now

Much wisdom to share

Ms. Bradley


Haiku for a Fat Man

Oreo cookies

sing, lulling me into a

luxurious sleep

Mr. Fricke


Dad bods and "Fupas"

Stress. Debt. Tired. Bed at Nine!

Retirement Soon?

Mrs. Jay


Stressed, tired, hangry,

Adulting is fun for all.

I need an Advil

Ms. Bridgette

DHH Interpreter

Needs versus your wants.

Choices, decisions, job(s), bills.

Adult life is fun.

Mrs. Rosansky


Adult life is just

like kid life except now all

things cost real money

Ms. Duncan

Student Teacher - Spanish

I am a teacher.

Music is my life and love.

My name is Jackson.

Mrs. Jackson

Fine Arts - Orchestra

The worst hood I know.

Do I really have to pay?

I’m over it now.

Ms. Jamerson


Where are my damn keys?

I have lost my keys again.

They're in my pocket.

B. Abel


I am a daughter,

sister, niece, aunt, math teacher,

and a Central HAWK!

Ms. Stevens


Always be yourself

Friends become your family

Choose happy each day

Ms. Cobb

Instructional Coach

Laundry and dishes

On repeat every day

Utility bills!

Mrs. Bober


The game of life--ha!

If only a board and wheel

could make my choices.

Mr. F


being an adult

do not get to do or say

half of what I want

Madame Bartek

World Language - French

Foundation of Friends

Support, Love, Laughter and Tears

Always Comprehend

Mrs. Hale

SSD Administrator

Something always hurts

Have to be responsible

Where did my money go?

Ms. Z


Potency of play.

How do you want them to learn

Make it collaborative

Dr. Naaman

Practical Arts

I strive for greatness

Teaching was my destiny

I've conquered my goal!

Ms. Spencer


Can you pay my bills?

Being an adult costs much.

All my bills have bills.

Ms. Holyfield


Hang out with my cat

Adult life do be like that

Maybe need a nap

Mr. Rhoads


Still young and unsure

What kind of adult to be;

Might never feel grown.

Mrs. Bentley


Earn the right to choose

But live with consequences

Every day counts

Senora Burton

World Language - Spanish

Life is what life is.

Be crabby. Pout. Moan and groan.

You are what you eat.

Mr. F


Being an adult

Eating ice cream for breakfast

Choices have been made

Mrs. Erbs


Make sure to focus

And be willing to work hard

Then you will succeed :)

Ms. Edwards

SSD - Co-Teacher

Finally paid all loans

I am at peace with the world

Except pains and groans

Mr. McGee

Assistant Principal

You can find your joy

If you try everything once

Joy is just waiting!

Mrs. Marty


How do taxes work?

I'll just google it to learn

I still don't get it

Ms. Foster

Social Studies

what do you call a

dove sitting in a tall tree?

high coo. dad humor.

B. Abel


Adulting is tough,

Enjoy the time of your youth.

Stay young in your heart.

Ms. Holyfield


Wake up. Teach. Repeat.

I love to see my fun friends,

but mostly I sleep.

Ms. Howley


Home of Black & Gold

For the good of the order

Proud to be a Hawk

B. Abel


Through the good and bad,

keep your faith and move forward;

never looking back

Ms. Sullins

Practical Arts

Adulting forgives--

Mainly, if you've got the cash--

PayPal makes it eas--

Mr. F


Once you're an adult

Remember, this will last for

The rest of your life

Mrs. Webb


Where are my damn keys?

I have lost my keys again.

They're in my pocket.

B. Abel


Pain shoots through my knee

My nose runs like a river

There must be rain soon.

Mr. McCourt


On a smile journey

I am intentional, too

Journal it daily

Ms. Friend


This is a good box

I could use this box later

Should I keep this box?

Ms. Walsh

Fine Arts

I can eat ice cream

Whenever I want you guys

It's not all that bad

Ms. Foster

Social Studies

I wake up each day

with purpose, focus, and drive

for a better world

Dr. Sachs


Beautiful Lifetime

A Chubby English Bulldog

Jumps Before the Rest

Ms. K (Kinney)


Some become bitter

Some, constantly overwhelmed

Very few, joyful

Mrs. McAllister


Ferris Bueller said,

"Life moves pretty fast". He's right;

stop and enjoy it.

Mrs. Wilimzig


being an adult--

like riding a bicycle

with no tires on.

Ms. Anderson

English - Student Teacher

Work hard to achieve

financial independence.

Continue to learn.

Ms. Weingart


Faster and faster

work, sleep, plans, and family

time passes quickly

Ms. Allen


Once again, I'm up.

Today feels exactly like

Every day before

Mr. Murray


No Me Time For Real

Mom, Mom, Mom, Is all I hear

Wouldn't change a thing

Coach Smith

Driver's Ed/PE/Health

Life as an adult

You want to know what it's like

I'll get back to you

Mr. Rocco

Social Studies

Our slumber shows us,

Dreams become reality.

Wake up or still sleep?

Mr. Dicker


Glad to be alive

Work hard trying to survive

This is how I strive

Mr. Hall


The Dragon Slayer

Folasade Fanegan, 12th Grade

The Dragon Slayer.mp3
(You may have to click the arrow to play the song in a different tab.)

Fox Hunt

The inspiration behind this piece is to show the beauty of nature and the foxes hunting habits. During the winter months, rodents live in tunnels underneath the snow called The Subnivean Zone. With the fox's great sense of hearing they dive headfirst into the snow to hunt these rodents. This piece is a part of my drawing investigation for AP 2D Art and Design. Medium: Charcoal Pastel Pencils on drawing paper.

Wesley Shelton, 11th grade


The inspiration behind this piece was to finish this foxes story. I wanted to show the beauty of nature and its circle of life. In the sky is the spirits of the fox's parents as the baby fox runs across the tundra. This piece is the final piece of my drawing investigation for AP 2D Art and Design.

Medium Used: Charcoal Pastel Pencils and black paper

Wesley Shelton, 11th grade

Assassin's Pride

My inspiration for this piece of work was based on the history of feudal Japan, and how ninjas were trained assassins or mercenaries that worked for the lower classes of Japanese society.

Medium Used: Colored Pencil, Anaglyph 3D

Ahmeena King, 10th Grade

Samurai's Code

My inspiration for this piece of work deals with the history of early-modern Japan, and how samurais were loyal warriors that were led by strict code and law throughout their lives.

Medium Used: Colored Pencil, Anaglyph 3D

Ahmeena King, 10th Grade


Like a sprinkle of Sprite

the people were vibrant

as days went on

the shiny blue sky

began to dance

and sing along

with us

we danced as if

there were no

tomorrow each night

our people were

totally different unlike

the next neighborhood of

rocks that stood behind us

we thrived all day as

if our bodies were

on fire

we burned and burned

like the barkwood of our

shoes underneath us

one day the shoes of

our feet will no longer

burn causing our bodies

to hopelessly give out

and we will begin

a new journey on

another planet

Aliyah Porter, 10th Grade

The Circle of Living

The more we

Live the more

We lie we never

Believe what meets the


We swim

fast we swim far,

We almost

like fish are.

We work

all day

We work

all night,

We do things

That can help

Us in a long run

But we must have fun

To gain a tip of


We grow big

We go far

Only some of us make it

To a star

Marquis Cannon, 10th Grade

So Much Better Together

Sometimes I think when we clash we produce enough energy to realign the stars &

create a new galaxy.

The epitome of fire & ice we, find each other walking away from

the other so much that we always circle back to one another.

But on our good days

It's like we have an inclination to devote ourselves to the well being

of the other.

Pacing back and forth, inventing new ways to increase the altitude

& depths of our harmonious love.

A love so subtle & gentle that even in the midst of our contretemps,

a powerful fixation for each other rooted in pure divinity never

ceases to arrive, in due time.

It's funny that we can be harmonious together, introducing our

surroundings to a brand new song in which we create together

While still maintaining the ability to remain dependent, fabricating

our own sound and individuality - I find that spiritually gratifying.

Khadijah Taite, 11th Grade


Indoors for days, I have

Swept I have cleaned.

I gaze out the window to

See sidewalks where our

Bodies once roamed.

To now everyone is stuck

In their home.

The only thing to do is to gossip

On a phone.

I used to enjoy outside every day

Now I feel so alone.

In the confines of my own home,

Where after a long day.

My home whom I can’t wait to see

Now that feeling abandons me.

With the outside world crumbling

Due to injustices and unlawful behavior.

My home, my greatest savior I spend nights in bed

Wishing I had something to do, my home.

I am forever grateful to have you

We have seen this battle for many years,

It has given black people so many tears.

We fight we claw but the mystery still

Unsolved. Oh how deeply sorry i am

George Floyd,Breonna Taylor.

If only I had a minute later to tell you

The change you have caused.

You gave blacks hope dignity and despair,

you gave them courage to stand for whatś right.

And that we will always fight this fight!!

To the marchings on the street to the bruises on our

Feet. We will stand for what’s right because,

Injustice cost us a life. Quarantine is supposed to

be separation but police make it seem like segregation.

Even though I continue to social distance, I am

A women with a penchant for every elegant

My home is where I reside!!

Aniyah Williams, 10th Grade

Inner Light

I think we’re all here for infinite purposes that sometimes we never

discover until our time is up.

& I think we either forget time exists

or we think about it too much

resulting in loss of connectivity with our inner selves, our divine

light, and the universe surrounding us

then subsequently, we lose the ability to know ourselves.

Next thing you know we stop catering to ourselves and we gain

low expectations, lost hope, and a fear of progress that guards us

from becoming the greatest version of ourselves - I think we

unintentionally do that.

We overload our heads with figments of our imagination to detach

ourselves from the reality we think we know.

But the thinner the line between our reality and false perception,

the more we seem to find it harder to accept our individuality &

our true selves

Sometimes we spend so much time contemplating about the world

beyond our touch that we forget that there are galaxies within


Galaxies filled with stars, sunshine, & moonlight

& even black holes.

We wonder what the world has in store for us & forget about what

we have to offer the world.

And we fail to remember that when we withhold and extrude

greatness we attract it

but in order to be at peak divinity & serenity one must appreciate

& understand the darkness and the light within themselves

Khadijah Taite,11th Grade

The Absence

Folasade Fanegan, 12th Grade

Late Night Things

My late night things

Is a place

Where people come sit on my porch

From 9 pm to 1 am

Then complain about lack of sleep the next day

My late night things

is around my grandparents

Their friends, and my friends

“Old timers” as we call them

Drink while we make fun of them

We all listen to the soul music and laugh a lot

They tell us stories about how they met,

Some would be educational

Some would be debates

Some might even be some silly stories

Bonfires when it's cold outside

People driving by

Honk the horns of their car to say hello

Sometimes we have snacks

And sometimes we have s'mores

Them times was fun

But it came to a end when my mom moved out

I still visit and stay nights

But it's not the same

As it was when I was living there

Taniyah Fitzgerald, 10th Grade

The Real Me

Biggest to smallest

Of all the children in my school,

I may not be the smallest.

Of all the bodies in the world,

Mine may be the biggest.

But I can almost touch the top shelves,

If I stand on my toes.

And soon my words might change the world,

So you better listen close.

Marquis Cannon, 10th Grade


I watch them play

They’re having so much fun

The little ones of our neighborhood that is

They jump rope

And fly as they play hopscotch

Their bright chalk art on the sidewalk is top notch

Their dirty shoes are untied

There are no cares in the world

Little boys & little girls

Laughs and smiles

Scrapes and bruises

Rain or shine

Still they play

9 am till 5 pm

They'll be out here all day

The ice cream truck comes

They go inside

To scream at their mommies and daddies

asking for a dollar

They run back out to get a chocolate swirl cone

Running quick trying not to trip, hurrying before they’re gone

Later on the sun is setting

It's time to come inside

Dinner’s ready it's probably meatloaf with a veggie on the side

For there are other days they’ll come back out no need to feel sorrow

They say their goodbyes pack up their toys

See you guys tomorrow

Mikayla Sanford, 9th Grade

Past Soul Ties

When the light turn on

When the skeletons are shown

It's bright and beyond clear to see

The beauty in which I’ve grown

Have standards, worth and diligence

I still wait for you

To reside at my home

I love you as equal as if

You were my own

But you are not

Souls have resided into your being

I know I cannot have all of you

So I will love you from afar

Until I can prove to you

You belong with me and how beautiful you truly are

Jasmine Blanson, 12th Grade

Dear Loving Mother in Law

Dear Loving Mother in Law,

I’m truly sorry that you cannot see past my race

To see my “amazing personality” or the “beauty” in my face

I am sorry that my brothers and sisters have given me a bad name

Though all their successes and accomplishments have not been put in shame

My apologies for putting a disgrace on your family

However, I’m not sorry for our bond that allows us to be free

If my skin can cut through love, it can surely cut through hate

I understand you only want what’s best for him,

But he effortlessly says that I’m the best thing that could ever happen to him

I tried to be as selfless as I could

But your only mindset is how I come from “the hood”

I can see you are misunderstood, and so am I

Can’t comprehend how we both have two arms and two eyes

Tears run down in the same direction as yours, just passed different flaws and pores

I am human like you who should know what they’re made of

Help us break free from these bound and as His child, love

Folasade Fanegan, 12th Grade