Terms 1, 2 and 3

Term 1

Ms O Flaherty is my teacher for horticulture. We did lots this term. We sowed seeds in modular trays. I planted onion, rocket, beetroot and radish seeds. After they germinated, I transplanted them into the poly tunnel with ciara. We also spent any sore minute we had this term in horticulture weeding and watering the poly tunnel. We did a soil sedimentation test with Ms O Connell. It was very interesting to compare different soils and learn about them. On the days with very bad weather we learnt about germination and sexual reproduction in flowering plants. I also found a newt in our cabbage plants! We called him Joey the Newt. Attached are some photos of what we are growing and what we did this term.

Our Horticulture class

Our plants after they germinated

Our seedlings after we planted them

Cabbage plants that are flourishing!

Our rapidly growing radish, rocket and beetroot plants

Term 2

This term for horticulture we were online so we made our own garden at home. I planted potatoes, aleo vera and garlic. Here are some photos of my home garden

Term 3

We were back in school for horticulture this term. I spent most of this term doing odd jobs around the place such as weeding, watering and digging up the bed outside. I also planted a lot of potatoes in the outside bed but i spend most of my time harvesting and selling our produce. We sold salad, kale, turnips and beetroot. At the end of the term we spend some of our profits on ice creams for our class!