

Hastings High School is a school where every child really does matter. The school exists to provide all children with a high quality learning experience, within an educationally stimulating, supportive and safe environment. We aim to provide the “Care and Excellence for All” and to ensure that our pupils leave Hastings well prepared for success in all aspects of their future lives. We have high expectations of our pupils and seek to develop skills, attitudes and abilities in them which will enable them to achieve their life goals.


Our goal is for all pupils to leave Hastings High School well prepared for future success in all aspects of their lives. Our school is committed to developing a learning community which is safe, purposeful, challenging and fosters mutual respect between all members. High quality teaching enables pupils to enjoy their learning, achieve their potential and develop as individuals. This includes stimulating lessons which:

  • Improve knowledge, skills and understanding;

  • Endeavour to overcome barriers to learning;

  • Make clear to pupils the next steps to further improvement;

  • And promote behaviour conducive for all to learn.

Opportunities will be provided for all pupils to receive appropriate levels of challenge and support, to broaden their cultural, social, sporting and technological horizons, to develop independence and to be prepared for living and working in a diverse 21st Century society.


Our GCSE Options process starts in year 9 with a range of activities designed to support the pupils as they choose their GCSE options. The options booklet describes the content of all GCSE courses.

Year 9 options 2023 Website


During our Enrichment Studies week in July, pupils have the opportunity to explore, in depth, a wide range of engaging topics such as creative writing, problem solving, engineering, media studies, cultural studies etc.. The style of the days will be different too with a more informal setting and much more emphasis on teamwork which is an important career skill.

Our enrichment programme also includes a wide range of trips and events which run throughout the year. This year we have trips to Berlin, Iceland, Austria and a PGL Pursuits centre amongst others, along with a range of more local trips. Next year we are also planning trips to Barcelona and New York.

We also have a Personal Development curriculum which runs half termly and includes topics as diverse as yoga, 3D computer simulations, mindfulness, first aid, mock interviews, careers, post 16 links, health and well being, revision strategies and learning to learn.

Our aim is to provide a wide range of enriching and enjoyable activities each year which prepare pupils for all aspects of adulthood.

Spiritual, Moral, Cultural and Social Education

We provide a full and thorough curriculum for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education. The impact of this is a school that is inclusive and aware of others needs and feelings. Pupils are open to new ideas and other cultures. We endeavour to create a school environment where spiritual, moral, social and cultural themes are part of all we do.

We also cover British Values in our Personal Development and Guidance programme. These values include:

  • Democracy

  • The Rule of Law

  • Individual Liberty

  • Mutual Respect

  • Tolerance

To find out more about how schools nationally promote British Values, please click here.