Recognized Student Groups

The two types of recognized student groups on campus are clubs and organizations. There are different membership requirements, responsibilities, and benefits associated with each. Almost all groups begin as a club and then may seek organizational status as they grow. All student groups must be approved by the Student Activities Coordinator, either through the Student Group Registration Process (for existing groups) or Intent to Organize Process (for new groups), regardless of eligibility or interest in funding from the Student Association. 

Below are the recognized student groups of the 2021-2022 academic year,  as of 8/29/2021. Note: some groups may fall into more than one category but are listed in a primary one below. Any student group that is not listed below as a recognized student group is considered suspended. Student groups on suspension may not continue to utilize facilities or property on campus, may not seek or add members, host/sponsor on or off campus, or enjoy social privileges. To be removed from suspension status and regain recognized status and accompanying privileges, student groups must complete the renewal process by the end of the fall semester.