All-Gender Restrooms

What is the All-Gender Restroom Initiative?

The All-Gender Restrooms Initiative is a project to ensure that all students, employees, and guests have a place where they feel safe using the restroom. We are working to ensure that there is at least one accessible gender-inclusive restroom in each academic and administrative building. Currently, there are buildings on campus which have no gender-inclusive restroom option. The goal is not to turn every restroom into gender-inclusive, but to make sure that everybody has at least a choice in each building. Every all-gender restroom will also be equipped with free menstrual products. More information here.

Why do we need All-Gender Restrooms?

We recognize that there are members of our community who are transgender, non-binary, or fluid in their gender identity and/or gender expression who currently feel uncomfortable, underrepresented, and/or unsafe with the current restroom accessibility. We recognize we have parents in our community who may need to accompany a child into the restroom. We want to provide these gender-inclusive options for members of our community who use a wheelchair or need to be accompanied by an attendant or who need to accommodate a service/helper animal. 

In addition to psychological effects such as anxiety and fear of harassment, community members who feel unsafe in single-gender restrooms can risk UTIs and other medical problems. Additionally, all students are at their best academically and socially when they can access safe spaces on campus, and increasing the number of gender-inclusive restrooms is a way to provide more safety.

Further, Hastings College's non-discrimination policy includes gender identity and expression as a protected class, and gender-inclusive restrooms are one way we live up to that policy, especially because forcing trans or non-binary community members to use a traditionally gendered restroom repeatedly ‘outs’ them to other students or employees and stigmatizes them daily by singling them out.

Common Myths about Gender-Inclusive Restrooms

What’s next for the All-Gender Restroom Initiative?

Action steps: