
Congratulations to our seniors for all the hard work they have done on their Social Justice Projects. 

Elias Alman

My SJP is Representation of Black Women in the Media and in the Community. I will be attending Manchester Community College in the fall. "Always Strive and Prosper" 

Lyric Beasley

My SJP is The Lack of Academic Support for Special Education Students. I will be attending Western New England University in the fall. "With all due respect, sometimes no respect is due." 

Chamarie Brinson

My SJP is Equitable Access to Elective Classes in Highschool. I will deciding my college selection on June 1st. "You only live once." 

Shameka Cade

My SJP is Lack of Affordable Housing Due to Gentrification in Hartford. I will be attending Capital Community College in the fall. "God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give."

Davi-Shai Christian

My SJP is Providing Safe Zones for LGBTQ Youth. I will be attending Western New England in the fall. "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up." 

Amare Cockfield

My SJP is The Decrease of Generational Wealth in Student Loan Debt. I will be attending University of Saint Joseph in the fall. "You miss 100 of the shots you don't take".  

Aaliyah Cook

My SJP is The Lack of Teacher Diversity in Schools. I will be attending Western New England in the fall. "Love means attention, which means looking after the things we love. We call this stable management." -George H. Morris

Sienna Cook

My SJP is Food Oppression Embedded in America's Institutions. I will deciding my college selection on June 1st. "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

Yousif Elamin

My SJP is Auto Repair Discrimination on Women. I will be attending  Western New England in the fall. "If you're not first, you're last."

Josiah Evans

My SJP is Gun Violence Involving Innocent Bystanders. I will be attending Trade School in the fall. "You don't find the happy life, you make it."

Maliza Gillespie

My SJP is The Lack of Mental Health for Kids in Foster Care. I will be attending Bay Path University in the fall.  "I didn't come this far just to come this far and not be happy."

Lorenzo Gilliam

My SJP is Lack of Lacrosse in Urban Areas. I will deciding my college selection on June 1st. "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments." 

Kaiel Glover

My SJP is Nutritional Intake Within the School System. I will be attending Morgan State University in the fall. "Stay disciplined."

Giavanni Green

My SJP is The Lack of Affordable Healthy Foods in Low Income Communities/ Areas. I will be attending University of Connecticut in the fall.  "You need to let go of the past so you can have a future."

Natalya Hall

My SJP is Poverty's Impact on Early Education. I will deciding my college selection on June 1st.  "I didn't come this far just to come this far."

Aniya Hamilton

My SJP is Homelessness & Its Affect on Employment Access. I will be attending Southern Connecticut State University in the fall. "Everything happens for a reason." 

Jeffery Jaynes

My SJP is Culture and Climate. I will be attending Capital Community College in the fall. "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."

Sherwin Joseph

My SJP is Mentorship Programs. I will be attending Morgan State University in the fall. "If you're going to try, go all the way". 

Paul Lumpkin

My SJP is The Gender Pay Gap and Its Affect on Women of Color. I will be attending Morgan State University in the fall. 

Saul Olivo Oyola

My SJP is The Underrepresentation of Hispanics in the STEM Field. I will deciding my college selection on June 1st. "You only live twice. -Drake"

Jayden Randolph

My SJP is Teacher Retention. I will be attending University of Hartford in the fall. "This school was my beginning time for new beginnings."

Alberto Rodriguez

My SJP is Race Conscious Admissions. I will be attending Western New England University in the fall. "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."

Phyllis Silvera

My SJP is Poverty and Economic Inequality in the Hartford Community. I will be attending the University of Connecticut in the fall. "Always take feedback or criticism as motivation and live with no regrets".

Kody Streater

My SJP is The Inequity of Educational Resources in Inner-City Schools. I will be attending University of Saint John's  in the fall. "Keep believing."

Makye Wade

My SJP is Lack of Nutrition for After School Sports. I will deciding my college selection on June 1st. "I jumped over this too."

Jahara Ware

My SJP is The Impact of Parental Incarceration on Children. I will be attending Central Connecticut State University in the fall.  "You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated."

Kenya Watson

My SJP is Access to Healthy Affordable Food in Hartford. I will deciding my college selection on June 1st. "I can't wait to go home."

Jayda Whitehead

My SJP is How Trauma Affects Underprivileged Youth. I will be attending Southern Connecticut State University  in the fall. "You only live once minus well turn up."

Damir Williams

My SJP is Gun Violence in Urban Communities. I will deciding my college selection on June 1st.  "It is what it is."