Weekly Videos

These videos were produced during the 2020-2021 school year while we were in Distance Learning. They were weekly videos designed to target difference areas of Social-Emotional Learning. Each video contains a brief lesson, a read-aloud, and an activity that can be completed afterwards.

A Little Spot of Confidence

A Little Spot of Happiness

A Little Spot of Anger

A Little Spot of Sadness

A Little Spot of Anxiety

A Peaceful Spot

A Little Scribble Spot

This is the first video is a series of Feelings videos using different spots to represent different feelings.


Story: Jabari Jumps

Serving Others and the Value of Community

Story: Kamala and Maya's Big Idea

Being Proud of Who You Are

Story: I'm Not Just a Scribble

Accepting Differences and Finding Your "Wonder"

Story: We're All Wonders

Treat Other Equally

Story: The Sneetches

Courage, part 2

Story: One


Story: After the Fall

Attitude & Outcome

Story: Baditude

The Power of Words

Story: Say Something

Positive Self-Talk

Story: I Believe I Can

Growth Mindset & Positive Self-Talk

Story: I'm Gonna Push Through


Story: I Am Peace


Story: F is For Feelings

Kindness & Including Others

Story: Big Umbrella


Story: Have You Filled a Bucket Today?