Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a learning management system (LMS) that provides teachers with a solid foundation to building an organized and fluent structure for online assignment and resource distribution for students.   From normal, day-to-day technology integrations to the rare, but realistic necessity of E-Learning, Google Classroom is a must.  Check out the interactive resources below.

Below is an interactive image with links to videos and resources categorized for your structured learning as an educator.  If you're new, start in the green with setting up your class and adding students*.  Then, you'll focus on the Classwork page where you'll be able to create assignments, quizzes, and discussion topics.

*As of the 2021-2022 school year, Google Classrooms will automatically be created and rosters synced from Skyward.  It is not required to use these, but it can save you some time. 

Get Going and Growing in Google Classroom

Finally, parents find it helpful to have some resources at home.  Here is a parents' guide to Google Classroom that you may find a valuable resource to share with them.

initial recommendations

Turn off classwork notifications in the stream 

WHY?  This allows the “Stream” to remain strictly for announcements and classroom communication. 

Invite guardians to get Classroom Summaries

WHY? This gives parents an invitation to set the day, time, and frequency of seeing the announcements and assignments posted to Google Classroom, as well as any upcoming work that has due dates.  They can NOT see actual student work.

Add regularly accessed sites as “Materials” in the “Classwork” page.

WHY? This makes it easy for students to access the sites you want them to use frequently

Use Topics

WHY?  This allows you to organize existing and new items for easier access.

Drag and Drop Classwork Items to re-organize

WHY?  Most students will be looking to the top of lists for the next thing to do.  Help them out and move your “done” or older items to the bottom of the list.

Adjust notification settings

WHY? You may want some or no email notifications from Google Classroom. It could potentially feel overwhelming to have so many emails from Classroom.

ALTERNATE: You may consider setting up a filter in Gmail so that all Google Classroom notifications skip the inbox

Turn off or on Students ability to post and/or comment on the stream.

WHY? This allows you to control what your students can post and/or comment to the stream. You may want the stream to be only for announcements you need to make to them not a constant flow of conversation for students.

GC TIPS 2022