Group Registration Instructions

Attendee Registration Opens April 1


Early Bird Attendee Registration Deadline: April 30

Final Registration Deadline: May 28


One person from each group (the Group Registrar) should complete the online group registration found at There you will provide the name and address of your group, the Festival Division in which your group will be ringing, and your personal contact information. If, as Group Registrar, you are registering more than one group, you must repeat this process using a separate email address for each group.

In April, the Group Registrars will be asked to provide additional details about their group(s) and their plans for Festival/Conference. (See "Additional Group Registration Information" below).

Once the initial group registration has been completed, the Group Registrar will be assigned a "Group Registration Number." Group Registration Numbers will be issued via email before April 1.

The Group Registrar should share the "Group Registration Number" and the registration information found on the Attendee Registration page of this site with the members of their group. There they will find the complete Festival schedule, detailed class descriptions and other information necessary to complete the attendee registration process. Attendee Registration will be offered online, and will open at 11 AM on April 1, 2017. The Attendee Registration must be completed for each participant, indicating their email address, their Group Registration Number, and their choice of housing and classes. The registration process may be completed on behalf of someone else as long as a unique email address is used to identify each registrant.

Class selection will be made on a first-come/ first served basis. The number of available seats in each class will be updated as each registration is processed. When possible, extra seats and/or sessions may be added as demand dictates. Be sure to register early to get the classes you desire.

Floor placement of groups participating in the Massed Ringing Festival will be determined after the close of the Attendee Registraton period. Placement will be made based on the registration date of the last group member to register.


If you are registering more than one group, you must complete the Group Registration process separately for each ensemble. You will be asked to provide a unique email address for each group for communication and identification purposes.

If part of your group is ringing with the Tins division and some with the Coppers division, you should register all Tins division ringers as one group, and all Coppers division ringers as a second group. You must ring in the division in which you register; no changes may be made at Festival/Conference. You should note that due to the separation of the divisions on the ringing floor, it is not physically possible for more than one group to use the same bells; you may, however, split your bell set between groups.


All ringers are encouraged to attend our Festival/ Conference, whether they can attend with a full ensemble or not. If you are planning on attending the Festival with a small group and would like to be “adopted” to ring with another choir as "orphans," you may indicate this during the Group Registration process. Whenever possible, matches will be made based on ringing division and geographical location (for pre-festival rehearsal purposes). Please note that participation in the Bronze Division has been pre-determined by an audition process, so orphan ringers cannot be assigned to a Bronze choir.

Please note: Individuals planning to attend Festival/Conference on their own will first need to complete the Group Registration as an "Orphan" group of one to obtain a Group Registration Number, and then complete the Attendee Registration to make their housing and class choices. The Attendee Registration will open on April 1, 2017.


The following additional group information will be collected from the Group Registrars in April. The only fees that will be collected at this time from the Group Registrars will be those associated with the rental of any tables that your group may require.

Table Requirements

Tables are set-up on the ringing floor in a straight line within your ringing division. You will be asked to specify the space requirements for your ensemble in total table length (ft). You may bring your own tables or rent tables which we’ll have set up and ready when you arrive. A fee for table rental will be collected at this time..

Equipment Loans

We always need the loan of handbell sets for use in classrooms. If you are coming without a full choir and are willing to bring your unused bell or chime sets, foam padding or both, you will be compensated with a generous stipend depending on the equipment loaned and whether you bring the equipment with you or we pick it up. You will have an opportunity to offer to lend your bell/chime set and foam during the online Group Registration process.

Orphan Ringers

During the Group Registration process, you will be asked if there are open positions within your Tins or Coppers choir that you would be willing to have filled by “orphan" ringers attending the Festival on their own.

Mini-Concert Registration

Included in the Group Registration process is an opportunity to request to perform a music selection during one of our evening Mini-Concerts (recitals). Registrants of Festival/Conference, regardless of group size or abilities, are encouraged to participate in mini-concerts. This is a great way to boost the confidence of your group as they perform in front of the most understanding audience in the world! Whether your group performs or not, please take this rare opportunity to watch, listen, and learn from other groups. There's no better way to get new ideas for your group or to be inspired toward new goals.

Please note: each Group, Ensemble, or Solo Ringer will be limited to one selection and six (6) minutes performance time, including setup. If by chance there are more groups requesting performance opportunities than the allotted concert time will accomodate, the final selection of performers will be made at the discretion of the Mini-Concert Committee. Selection will be based on the overall goals and needs of the mini-concert program. You will be notified prior to the Festival as to which mini-concert time you are scheduled.