One of the most consistent comments shared regarding the distance learning in the spring was the number of organizational systems and communication tools families were asked to navigate. To streamline that process, all Hancock teachers, K-12, will use the Canvas learning management system to streamline academic communication with families.
Canvas is an educational one-stop-shop. It streamlines digital tools and content into one place for a simpler, more connected experience. You and your child can log into Canvas, access their Dashboard, and see everything they need! Schoolwork, Google assignments, Seesaw, email, live video conference links, To-Do list, calendars, announcements, it’s all there!
Parents will serve a crucial function in helping their children navigate learning with Canvas through an "Observer" role. In Canvas, Observers have limited permissions that allow them to see what is going on in a course without interrupting the flow of daily course communication. Observers may be able to view assignments, course events and grades for a student in the Canvas Parent app.