This site is designed to provide students and their parents with information that will assist them in course selection and with long-range academic and career planning. It includes information on graduation requirements, career planning, and instructional programs and courses offered in the middle and high schools of the Hampton City School Division (HCS). Additional information about courses and programs is also available in the school counseling office at each school.

It is important that students consider the course descriptions and prerequisites, keeping in mind their personal abilities and interests. Students should choose courses that contribute to the accomplishment of their academic, personal, and career goals.

Parents are asked to review the information with their children. The information provided should generate helpful discussions about career opportunities, diploma types, and educational plans. The staff and administration of Hampton City Schools look forward to sharing this marvelous journey with you. Our goal is the high school experience will build on a foundation of previous preparation and culminate with a readiness for any post-secondary education or career you desire. Please assist school personnel as they work to help your child realize that the educational choices made today greatly affect the opportunities available in the future

A student's Academic and Career Plan is developed to support the student's academic success and prepare the student with the knowledge and skills necessary for higher education, multiple career paths, and active citizenship. The components of the Academic and Career Plan include the student's course selections through high school graduation.

The development of the Academic and Career Plan will begin for each student in the seventh grade. The process continues with the annual review of the progress toward the student's established goals. We encourage this to be a family activity as we all share the common goal of a successful high school experience leading to an even more successful future! Professional school counselors use Naviance as a web-based tool to monitor their students’ progress and to advise appropriately to ensure career and college readiness. We encourage parents and students to use Naviance Student, the family component, to self-monitor academic progress, keep up to date on graduation status, and to search colleges and careers to set goals for life after high school. Naviance Student should be used along with the HCS parent and student portals.