HCS Special Education: Resources for Families
Welcome to the Hampton City Schools Department of Special Education Family Resource website! Here you will find information related to Special Education. It is intended to help families and schools navigate through the Special Education process, guidance documents, as well as note resources that are available to our Hampton City Schools families. Department contact information is available for any additional information you may need.
The Department of Special Education is committed to providing specially designed instruction via high leverage practices for ALL students with disabilities. Ensuring equitable access for students with disabilities in an inclusive learning environment is at the heart of our mission.Special Education Services support instructional programs for students with disabilities in the division. We are committed to providing a continuum of services and programs to students from early childhood through post-secondary. Hampton City Schools is currently providing services to approximately 2,649 students with disabilities.
Navigating the Family Resource Website:
Use the links along the left side of your screen to find a section of the SpEd Family Resource website.
Scroll down through each selected page to access all materials, click links to view different sections, and return to the main page at any time by clicking on the HOME button on the top left of the screen.
Navigate to the main Hampton City Schools homepage at any time by using the link located at the bottom of any page within the Family Resource Website.

Click below for Your Family's Special Education Rights- Procedural Safeguards in other languages:
Arabic Procedural Safeguards (2024)
Chinese Procedural Safeguards (2024)
Farsi Procedural Safeguards (2024)
Korean Procedural Safeguards (2024)
Spanish Procedural Safeguards (2024)
Urdu Procedural Safeguards (2024)
Vietnamese Procedural Safeguards (2024)