Continuum of Services

Continuum of Services

All school systems are required to offer a continuum of services and placements. In Hampton City Schools, students with disabilities receive special education services in the Least Restrictive Environment, as determined by the IEP team (Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia, § 22.1-213 of the Code of Virginia; 34 CFR 300.115).

When determining the Least Restrictive Environment for individual students, IEP teams must ensure:

a. That to the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities, aged two to 21, inclusive, including those in public or private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with children without disabilities; and

b. That special classes, separate schooling, or other removals of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily (Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia, 34 CFR 300.114).

IEP teams should review the continuum of services to determine a student’s Least Restrictive Environment at least annually during the IEP meeting. The continuum of services is listed below from least to most restrictive.

Continuum of Services: Least Restrictive Environment Settings

General education with supplemental aids/devices:

  • A student is in the general education classroom for the entire school day with supplemental aids/devices.

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General education with direct services and instruction within the general class (collaboration):

  • A student is in the general education classroom for the entire school day and receives specially designed instruction from a Special Education teacher within this classroom. This is commonly referred to as “collaboration” or “push-in” services.

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General class setting with instruction in the resource room:

  • A student spends the majority of their day in the general education classroom. Additionally, the student receives some specially designed instruction in a separate classroom with a Special Education teacher. These are commonly referred to as “pull-out services.”

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Modified self-contained class with part-time instruction in a general classroom:

  • The student requires a modified curriculum and/or a modified classroom structure. The student received larger blocks of instruction within this modified special education setting. The student is in the general education classroom for a portion of the day as determined by the IEP team.

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Self-contained class with full-time academic instruction in a public school facility, non-academic instruction with peers:

  • The student receives all academic instruction (reading, writing, math, science, and social studies) within a special education classroom. The student participates with non-disabled peers for elective class(es), lunch, and/or recess.

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Self-contained class with full-time academic and non-academic instruction in a public school facility:

  • The student is within a special education setting/group for the entire school day. The student receives all academic instruction (reading, writing, math, science, and social studies) in the special education classroom. The student participates in lunch, elective classes, and recess with other students with disabilities. There may, however, be opportunities for interaction with non-disabled peers during many of the activities. The program is structured to meet the specific needs of the students served.

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Separate public day school:

  • The student requires a significant level of support. Special education services are provided at a public regional day program with other students with disabilities. The program is structured to meet the specific needs of the students served.

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Private day school:

  • The student requires a significant level of support. Special education services are provided at a private day school with other students with disabilities. The program is structured to meet the specific needs of the students served.

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Home-based instruction:

  • The student is unable to participate in or make progress in a less restrictive setting or the student requires home-based instruction for a temporary period of time due to special circumstances. Individual instruction is provided within the home or in the community by a certified teacher.

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  • The student has medical documentation that indicates the student cannot participate in the physical school environment. The student will receive instruction within the home from a certified teacher. Homebound services are sometimes temporary in nature, based upon a student’s given needs.

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  • The student requires special education services within a residential facility beyond the length of the typical school day.

The IEP Team makes the determination of the Least Restrictive Environment. The decision should be based upon the specific needs of each child, data that reflects performance across different environments, and after interventions have been fully implemented in less restrictive settings.