Career & Transition Services

What are Transition Services?

IDEA 2004 defines Secondary Transition as a coordinated set of activities for a student receiving special education services which are designed as an outcome-oriented process, that promotes movement from school to post-school activities to being no later than age 16 which may include:

  • Post-Secondary Education

  • Vocational Education

  • Integrated Employment

  • Continuing/Adult Education

  • Adult Services

  • Independent Living

  • Community Participation

Transition Planning is based upon:

  • Student’s needs

  • Student’s strengths

  • Student’s preferences

  • Student’s interests

Transition Services include:

  • Activities needed to assist in reaching post-secondary goals

  • Course of study

Who Can Participate in Transition Planning?

  • Student *

  • Parent or Guardian *

  • Special Educator / CTE Educator *

  • Administrator / LEA *

  • Guidance Counselor

  • Vocational Evaluator

  • Related Service Provider(s)

  • Therapist

  • Adult Agency Service Provider(s)

  • Anyone who has a vested interest in the student's post-secondary activities

* = required team members/participants

Transition Services Provided:

  • Informal Informational Transition Interest Assessments

  • Selection Process for Formal Vocational Evaluation

  • Transition planning and attendance to IEP meetings

  • Job Coach School

  • PAES Lab Assessment

  • HCS Vocational and Academy Course Referrals

  • Referral Source to local agencies

  • Access to general education career preparation activities

  • Transition Data Collection

  • Vocational Tours

  • VersAbility Resources

  • New Horizons Education Center

  • Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services (DARS)

  • Aging, Pre-Employment Transition Services (DARS)

Education Options after High School:

  • Community Colleges

  • Four-Year Colleges

  • On-the-job Training

  • Apprenticeships

  • Military Service

  • Adult Education

  • Adult Day Services

  • Technical Schools

  • Independent Living Skills

  • Project Search Sentara Hospital CarePlex

  • Project Search Ft. Eustis

Plan for Success! The key to a successful transition is early, thoughtful planning! Students should be actively involved in the planning process!