ERO Report


To the Parents and Community of Hamilton North School

These are the findings of the Education Review Office’s latest report on Hamilton North School.

An holistic approach to education and care of individual students is the primary focus of Hamilton North School. The school culture is strongly underpinned by its agreed and shared values of respect for others with differences, positive social interactions, cooperation and a consultative approach. These values are strongly reflected in the school charter and have guided the development of its goals. They are focused on providing the best possible education and care opportunities for students through empowerment- mannakitanga, holistic development-kotahitanga, family and community-whanaungatanga and relationships- ngā hononga. Teachers, support staff, students and their families demonstrate these values as they interact in the school learning environment.

The school has built high quality caring and nurturing relationships with its families, caregivers, whānau, extended family and the wider community, who all work together for the benefit of students.

Through a consultative approach all groups have opportunities to share their ideas and successes.

Students are happy and enjoy being at school. The comprehensive range of learning activities involve and challenge students to take risks in their learning. They are increasingly developing skills of independence and self care to participate in their community as citizens. The school logo of ‘The Bridge to the Community’ is central to the school philosophy of valuing each student as unique individuals who are supported cooperatively by families and school, in a caring environment that celebrates students’ success.

The school gathers and shares learning and achievement information about individual students, which consistently relates to their intellectual, social and physical wellbeing. All school programmes and activities are designed to advance these purposes. Each student has an individual education plan (IEP), with pertinent goals linked to their learning and development, which is written early in the school year in collaboration with parents, caregivers and a multidisciplinary team of specialists. This group regularly evaluates the IEP to monitor student progress. Students develop skills for literacy and numeracy, which enable them to participate within the community as citizens. The IEP process ensures resources are used for the maximum benefit of students.

Students at Hamilton North School are encouraged to achieve personal standards of excellence and reach their full potential. They have achieved success at regional, and national levels in cultural and sports competitions.

A dedicated, knowledgeable and enthusiastic leadership team guides the direction of the school. Members work hard to articulate and implement the school vision that interweaves the three strands of family, school and community.

Teachers and support staff work confidently together to implement the learning programmes of students. They use a range of effective teaching strategies to create a climate where students are encouraged to explore and experiment in a supportive learning environment.

Hamilton North School is situated in a suburb in north Hamilton, and caters for students from five to twenty-one years with special needs. The school comprises nine base school classes plus satellite classes at Waipa Primary, Crawshaw Primary and Hamilton Junior High School.