Office of College Advancement

Office of College Advancement has developed a contact list which can be accessed here.

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To stay on top of the news, you can also sign up to receive alerts whenever new content is posted. But, that’s not all! Our newsroom has a searchable database where you can find news releases from over a decade ago.

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Marketing Campaigns Beat Industry Averages (Again!)

The Office of College Advancement (OCA) team implemented various marketing campaigns to promote winter and spring 2021-22 registration to HACC’s continuing and future students.

Continuing student audiences:

  • Career-program students

  • College in the High School students

  • Dual-enrolled students

  • Stop-out students

  • Transfer-program students

Future student audiences:

  • Community members

  • Future students in Recruit

  • High school seniors

  • Nontraditional future students

  • Parents of high school seniors

  • Traditional future students

  • Unemployed with a high school degree/some college

  • Workforce future students

During the registration phase of the campaigns (Nov. 1, 2021-Jan. 17, 2022, for continuing HACC students and Nov. 8, 2021-Jan. 17, 2022, for future HACC students), our focus was increasing click-through rates (CTR) while driving individuals to our website and getting them to take action.

A few campaign highlights include:

  • Overall, the CTR for the nontraditional, workforce and traditional future student campaigns increased from 0.78% to 1.10% over the 2020-21 winter/spring registration phase.

  • The CTR for career-program students was 0.69% for Google ads responsive display – remarketing. The education industry average CTR is .53%.

  • Twitter ad click-through-rate (CTR) for the unemployed with a high school degree/some college audience was 5.60%. The platform average CTR is .86%. HACC’s ads outperformed the platform average CTR by 551%!

  • Google remarketing ads to parents of high school students performed very well. The average CTR for the education industry is .53%, and we exceeded that with a CTR of 1.50% for this audience.

  • TikTok was added as a new way to reach future traditional students. The ads received more than 4,200 clicks and a CTR of .89%. These results provided a higher CTR than Snapchat, which was also used to reach this audience.

  • The nontraditional persona campaign received a 1.46% CTR (more than 11,000 clicks) for Google ads responsive display. The education industry average CTR is .53%.

Thanks to the HACC Foundation, 40 tuition giveaways were awarded to the target audiences. After completing the necessary steps, 33 of the winners are registered for classes and eligible to receive the funds. HACC Yeah!

Note: The advertising definitions are in this document on myHACC.