Genetic Engineering

Marc Vermeulen


  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. History
  4. The steps and Methods
  5. Applications
  6. Ethics
  7. Helpful Resources
  8. Works Cited

Who and where are we?

In the beginning God created mankind good and in His image. God, the perfect, designer made Adam and Eve perfect, and therefore their genetic code was perfect as well. God also created a beautiful world for us to live in and rule over. There were flowers to marvel at, vegetables and fruits to enjoy, insects and animals to examine, and above a calling to wholeheartedly serve our Father. But then the fall into sin happened. Thorns, diseases, weeds, destructive insects, drought, and floods started to occur on God's beautiful earth. Our genetic code started to break down. Plants and animals alike acquired new diseases and mutations. Hunger, pain and death has become the new reality.

What is the point of this information? Can we fix ourselves and this decaying world we live in? The answer is no. Only on the day of the LORD will these things be made right. But God has created us with creative minds and has allowed us to develop techniques by which we can try and repair or improve parts of ourselves and the world around us. Genetic engineering can help us cure and prevent disease, in the production of better plants, and provide life giving substances, such as insulin, to those who need them. God has also given us a huge responsibility with this gift. We must be careful to use it according to what we know to be good and wholesome from God's word.

Overview and Definitions

What is genetic engineering?

Genetic engineering along with other terms such as: genetic modification, genetic manipulation, or biogenetic technology in general, are used to describe the process by which specific genetic information is isolated and then transferred to a new organism to attain a certain quality or trait. There are a few main steps in the process of genetic engineering:

              1. Identification of the gene of interest
              2. Isolation of that gene
              3. Insertion into plasmids
              4. Multiplication of plasmids using bacteria
              5. Transferring into desired organism
              6. Integration of gene into recipient genome

With these steps bioengineers are able to use traits and features from one organism and give that trait or feature to another organism. This can be used to create cops with better yield, more resistance to insects, or even enhance the taste of the product. This technology can also be used in animals and humans in order to increase growth, cure diseases, or determine the sex of an offspring. Applications will be discussed in more detail later in this page.

There are some other important terms that need defining:

  • Plasmid - A small circle of DNA found inside bacteria, used in the transfer of genes between bacteria
  • transgene/Transgenic organisms - An organism that contains foreign genes
  • Recombinant microbes - A microbe that contains foreign genes
  • rDNA (recombinant DNA) - DNA that is formed from genetic material from a number of different sources
  • Vectors - An organism or virus that can be used to transfer genetic material
  • Restriction Enzymes - 'Molecular scissors', cut DNA strands in very specific places
  • Cloning - replicating DNA or parts of DNA in order to use in protein synthesis
  • Knock out organism - An organism where a specific gene/trait has been removed
  • Knock in organism - An organism where a specific gene/trait has been added

History of Genetic Engineering

Already for thousands of years people have been genetically engineering their crops and animals to increase yield, size, and durability. Farmers for centuries have chosen their seed from the best looking plants to grow the next years crop. They also used hereditary breeding to produce, for example, the best herd of cattle using only the strongest and largest bulls for breeding. This practice is currently still one of the best ways to ensure that the gene pool of a farm, for example, is the most productive. This process takes many years and constant diligence to ensure the gene pool isn't polluted. In recent decades genetic engineering is being investigate into how it can take over these, and other roles in agriculture and the medical field. These technologies have been advanced with incredible speed due to some important discoveries.

There are several important people and discoveries that have enabled this growth:

Frederick Griffith - The Transforming Principle (1928)

      • He discovered that bacterium had the possibility to exchange genetic material between themselves

Joshua Lederderg - Discovery of Plasmids (1946)

      • Built on the ideas of Frederick Griffith
          • The way that bacteria exchange genes is using plasmids
          • Also found that virus can be used to inject and transfer DNA by a process called transduction
          • His ideas are fundamental in today's biotechnologies
      • Won the Noble Prize in 1958 for his work

Hamilton Smith - Recombination and Site-Specific Restriction Enzymes (1970)

      • Discovered that there are enzymes that cut DNA at very specific locations
          • Is used when trying to isolate a specific gene

Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen - Developed Recombinant DNA technology (1973)

      • Created the first functional organism that contained, cloned, and used completely foreign genetic material
      • It was a huge breakthrough in the field of genetic engineering

The Steps and Methods

Genetic engineering is a complicated process with a variety of steps. To illustrate and describe this process, we will work it through with a common example. One of the very first commercial uses of genetic engineer to produce a medical product is the production of human insulin using bacteria. It was the first to be put onto the market as a commercial product in 1982. Since then we have found many other ways use this technology.

Identification of the gene of interest

When scientists are looking to modify an organism genetically they must first identify what trait they are trying to modify in that organism. This desired trait could be a huge range of things depending on what organism is being modified. In our example the trait we want to be expressed in bacteria is the production of human insulin. To accomplish this the gene for insulin production must be first identified in our DNA.

How can we know what section of our DNA is the coding for insulin production?

        • The DNA in our cells first needs to be isolated from the rest of the organelles and materials in the cell. For more on this click here.
        • Once the DNA is isolated we can start to identify the various parts based on the fact that the entire human genome that has been mapped.
              • This has only been possible since 2003 when the first human genome was mapped in its completion.
        • This is done via DNA/RNA probes
            • Probes are created that match the specific sequence used in the production of Insulin
            • DNA is first cut up using restriction enzymes. Then it is separated and isolated using a process called gel electrophoresis. Click here to learn more.
            • Probes are labelled in some way, often radioactively, so that its exact position can be clearly seen
            • Probes can be used even when the sequencing of the genome is unknown. Scientists can work backwards from the protein which our desired DNA sequence would synthesize. In our case we could use the sequence of amino acids in insulin to determine what code made its up of; its gene. Basically reversing translation and then transcription.

Once the gene that is responsible for insulin is located and identified it needs to be removed from the DNA

Removal of gene and Multiplication of plasmids using bacteria

For the most part the removal of a gene from an organism is going to be done by a restrictive enzyme. A diagrams with a series of steps is the best show this process:

While this diagram has a lot of detail, it clearly shows the simple process by which a desired gene is transferred from one set of DNA to another.

  1. The first plasmid or DNA, containing the desired gene, is cut using restriction enzymes. These restriction enzymes work like biological scissors, cutting the DNA in a very specific location. There are different restriction enzymes which will cut the DNA in different places. Scientists will modify a restriction enzyme to cut in a specific place.
            • In our example restriction enzymes were used to cut the insulin gene out of a human DNA strand.
  2. Once it has been cut the other DNA can be discarded. The same restriction enzymes are then used to cut a plasmid from a bacteria cell. One of the most common cells used is E. Coli, and this is also the case in the production of Insulin. When a restriction enzyme cuts a strand of DNA it leaves a 'sticky end'. For more on this click here.
            • It is very important that the same restriction enzymes are used in both cuts. This is to ensure that, in our example, the insulin gene cut from our DNA will be able to fit into the plasmid.
  3. Because it was the same enzyme that cut both strands the removed piece will fit directly into the other. Also the sticky ends allows ligase to re-bond these sections of DNA to the rest of the chain allowing them to become a fully functional part of the bacterial DNA.
  4. Because of the fast reproduction cycle of bacteria, and the fact that its DNA is copied exactly every time it splits, the insulin code will be produced again and again.
  5. The bacteria then start to produce the protein that the scientists coded it for. Using this method scientists were able to create 'mini insulin factories' out of E. Coli bacteria.

CRISPR - Clustered Regularly-Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats

    • CRISPR is a very new technology that allows scientist to be able to cut and repair DNA inside the desired host cell. This removes much of the process being described above and below. It is being hailed as one of the most important breakthroughs in the genetic engineering world. Many say it will change the way that genetics is done.
    • For more information click here.

Transferring into desired organism And Integration of gene into recipient genome

Once the gene has been isolated and removed it can be put into a new organism. There are various ways this is possible, and it differs in plant and animal cells. Just the gene can be transferred, skipping part of the previous step, or we can transfer and entire plasmid.

Gene Transfer into Plant Cells

Physical - Vector-less/direct gene transfer

  • Particle gun
        • The desired genes are attached to the surface of microscopic particles (often gold, silver, or tungsten)
        • They are then fired directly at the plant tissue
        • The gene is then added to the genome of the plant
        • Some cells are destroyed in this process but most survive. Overall it is a very efficient method for gene delivery.
  • Electroporation
        • Using electric current to create small pores in the surface of the plant cell
        • This allows the desired genes to enter the cell 'on their own', through these pores
  • Microinjection
        • Using a nano-syringe the DNA is injected directly into the plant cell
        • This is very time consuming and not very cost effective
  • Liposome transfer
        • A spherical bi-lipid layer containing the desired gene attaches itself to the cell wall
        • The gene is then released into the cell

Biological - Vector gene transfer

  • Agrobacterium Tumefaciens
      • A bacteria found in the soil that is used to host, multiply and then insert into the plant cell
      • Tumefaciens contains plasmids which have sections of DNA that can be easily manipulated
      • The desired gene is added to this bacteria, using restriction enzymes (described above)
      • Plant cells are treated with this bacterium. It invades the plant cell and inserts the DNA into the cells
        • Is therefor often called the natural genetic engineer

Gene Transfer in Animal Cells

Many of the same techniques are used when transferring new genetic information into animal cells

  • Electroporation - This is very similar to plants, but it is more frequently used because animals cells do not have a cells wall, making this more effective in animal cells
  • Gene Gun - very similar to plants
  • Microinjection - very similar, sometimes the entire nucleus is transferred from one cell to another. Often used in the process of cloning
  • Retroviral transfer - A virus is rendered defective, making it harmless. Then different DNA is added to the virus. Scientists then infect the cells with this virus. The virus then inserts its DNA into the cell.
  • Engineering Embryonic stem cells - ES (embryonic stem cells) are removed when the animal fetus is only around eight cells. They are then maintained in culture. The new genes are added in this stage. The cells are then grown and are put back into the womb of the mother.

Scientists have also done some very weird and interesting genetic modifications to plants and animals, here are a few:

  • Glow in the dark cats
  • Mice that chirp like birds
  • Cows that produce human milk
  • Goats that produce spider silk


As technologies progress further and further there will be more and more applications of genetic engineering. There are so many things that we don't know about our DNA, but already now there are so many possibilities for this sort of technology. The following are some of the main areas where this technology is being researched and applied:

Microbe Applications

  • Production of Medications
        • Insulin, human growth hormone etc.
  • Production of Vaccinations

Plant Applications

  • Agriculture is one of the largest in this sector
        • Improving yield
        • More resistance to insects and diseases
        • Being able to grow in colder, or dryer climates
        • Scientists are researching if it would be possible to isolate a gene from rhizobium that would allow any sort of plant to fix nitrogen from the soil
  • Inserting vaccinations into common everyday foods (bananas are most common)

Animal Applications

  • Increased production of milk in dairy cows
  • Animals that are more eco-friendly - produce less methane
  • Increase growth in fish, especially salmon at the moment

Human Applications

  • Curing Genetic Diseases
  • Predetermining the sex of a child
  • Increased muscle mass - 'building' better althetes
        • Also can be used to cure things like muscular dystrophy

Ethical Concerns

The main, overarching questions are:

  1. Are we 'playing God' when we edit our genes?
  2. God placed us in dominion over this earth. How does this play out in our uses of genetic engineering?
  3. What are the distinctions between genetic engineering in plants, animals, or humans?

There are many other questions that come from this. (These questions are in relation to genetic engineering in humans)

    1. What is our role in the development of DNA and genes?
    2. Are we to predetermine the sex of a child?
    3. Can we support these technologies even when the use of embryonic cells is become more prolific?
    4. What sort of genes can we control?
      • Looks? Size? Strength? a.k.a Can we create a 'super-human'?
    5. How will the future generations be affected by modifications in our genes?
      • Does this impact what sort of things we should be doing today?
    6. What sort of diseases should be cured?
      • All of them? What about Down syndrome and other similar, non life threatening diseases?
      • If these things are identified in the child in the womb. Do we correct it as soon as possible?
      • What about purely physical disabilities detected in the womb? If, someday, the technologies exist, to fix these disabilities what is the most ethical/christian approach?
      • What do the above say about our view if the sanctity of all human life?
    7. To what extent can we treat our children in the womb?

In order develop thoughts about these, and other, questions there are some guidelines that we should follow as christians. Michael McKenzie wrote an article titled, 'The Christian and Genetic Engineering' on the website 'Christian Research Institute'. McKenzie explains it very clearly, so I decided to quote her article verbatim. (For the full article click here)

1. Humans are both finite and sinful. We lack both the wisdom and purity necessary to decide matters of human “perfection.” It is, therefore, immoral to use such genetic technologies as human eugenics and human cloning. Thus a theology of health and disease (as opposed to “enhancement”) must be developed in accordance with sound biblical guidelines.

2. Human life, with the image of God and an accompanying ensoulment, begins at conception. We are also responsible for how we treat the most helpless in our society (i.e., what Jesus called “the least of these”). Thus there should be important limitations for prenatal testing, and genetic diagnostics must not be used to pressure parents into abortion.

3. God’s Word is clear that humankind — both corporately and individually — is fully responsible for actions the Bible calls “sin.” Consequently, Christians should resist attempts to convert all antisocial behaviors into genetic diseases that nullify personal responsibility and accountability.

4. Humans are God’s highest creation and are commanded to be good stewards of the earth and its resources. Thus we have a mandate to engage in genetic research and therapy, when it is directed toward the healing end of medicine.

There is also another article that I found to be comprehensive and helpful, click here. And I am sure that there are many others online as well.

Helpful resources

A summary of the big picture of genetic engineering using Insulin as an example:


Bozeman describes some important history related to genetics, and also some helpful background information:

A helpful description of plasmids and their uses:

Click here for a helpful animation on the electrophoresis and DNA/RNA probes.

Works cited


An Overview of Genetic Engineering. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

Y. (2014, April 15). Examples of Genetic Engineering. Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

Genetic Engineering. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

Genetic Engineering - Key terms. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

Hospital Centennial. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

Join Plant Breeding Training Network Now. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

National Research Council (US) Committee on Identifying and Assessing Unintended Effects of Genetically Engineered Foods on Human Health. (1970, January 01). Methods and Mechanisms for Genetic Manipulation of Plants, Animals, and Microorganisms. Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. (2017, March 20). Genetic engineering. Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

UNL's AgBiosafety for Educators. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

Zimmer, C. (2017, January 05). The Man Who Kicked Off the Biotech Revolution - Issue 44: Luck. Retrieved April 13, 2017, from


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M. (2014, October 16). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

B. (2016, February 18). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

(2016, March 03). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from



Herbert and Stanley


Restriction enzyme

Particle gun

DNA probe

Glow in the dark cats