
Define the Problem

Defining Constraints

We understand that our most pressing constraint is TIME. We will need to remain focused on our tasks and stay committed to our team if we plan to compete. Another constraint is our programming experience. We will need to rapidly expand our capacity to program to meet the demands of the game. We plan to build a chassis first so that our programming team can get to work quickly on programming our robot.

FTC Robot Constraints

Illegal Parts: Those that could potentially damage the playing field and/or scoring elements. Such as sharp edges or corners, animals based products, liquid or gel material, closed gas devices, hydraulic devices, materials that could cause game delay(Loose ball bearings, coffee beans etc.), those that are designed to electrically ground the robot frame to playing field, hazardous materials, those that could potentially damage or flip other competing robots, those that pose unnecessary risk of entanglement, 

Maximum Starting Size: The maximum size of the robot for a starting a match is 18 in.(45.72cm) wide, 18 in.(45.72cm) long by 18 in.(45.72cm) high. 

Maximum Robot weight: Robots must not weigh more than 42 pounds including a battery, the weight constraint does not include the Alliance flag or Team Marker. If a team using multiple mechanics that will be swapped out from one match to the next, all components will be weighed together during weight inspection and must not weigh more than 42 pounds. 

What We Learned

Starting Next Week, We Will Read The Manual And Document All Important Manual References For  Future Seasons! Check This Site For Updates.