Animal Life Cycles

Animal Life Cycles (3.10 &3.11) Projects and Lessons

Classify a variety of animals, based on observable characteristics. 3.10 & 3.11.1

Students will use this template to come up with a method of classifying animals. Students will then add animals to a categorization chart.

Classifying Animals

Classify a variety of animals, based on observable characteristics. 3.10 & 3.11.1

Students will use this template to create a poster about one of the groups of animals.

Diary of an Animal
Diary of an animal

Observe and describe the growth and development of at least one living animal, as the animal develops from early to more advanced stages. 3.10 & 3.11.2

Diary of an Animal: If you could belong to any animal group which would you choose and why? Would you choose to be an insect, bird, fish, amphibian, reptile or mammal? Today you will pick an animal from the list below. You will gather information to learn more about the animal. You will then write a number of diary entries from the point of view of the chosen animal. Have fun!

Life Cycle Stop Motion: 3.11.2, 3.11.3, 3.11.4, 3.11.6 & 3.11.7

Students will create a habitat for an animal, then animate that animal's life cycle in a stop motion video with narration.

Stop Motion Life Cycles
Projet de recherche pour le cycle des animaux
Animal Life Cycle Research
Copy of
Life Cycle Stop Motion.mp4
Gr 3 Science - Life Cycles project

Demonstrate awareness that parental care is characteristic of some animals and not of others.

Demonstrate awareness that animals require different habitats in order to meet their basic needs of food, water, shelter and space. 3.10 & 3.11.4, 3.11.5

There is a new Zoo opening in Beaumont and you have been chosen to work at the Bellevue Zoo! Some interesting new animals have arrived at the zoo and they want to make sure that you will be able to care for them. In order to get this job, in your interview, you will need to demonstrate your knowledge of these areas for one animal:

Parental Care: 3.11.4

Demonstrate awareness that parental care is characteristic of some animals and not of others, and identify examples of different forms of parental care. Place animals on a spectrum then feature one animal.

Parental Care
Animal Habitat

Animal Habitats: 3.11.5

Demonstrate awareness that animals require different habitat. Students add information and images about different animal habitats and needs.

3.10 & 3.11.3 Predict the next stages in the growth and development of at least one animal.

Students will sequence the different stages of a Frog's life cycle. Students can then create their own life cycle poster for a different animal.

The Life Cycle of a Frog
Life Cycle of an Animal
Endangered Animals Poster 2

Endangered animals, habitat preservation. 3.10 & 3.11.7

Students will study an endangered animal and create a missing poster describing what caused them to disappear, their characteristics and how we can help protect them.

Create an animal. 3.10 & 3.11.2, 3.11.3, 3.11.5, 3.11.6, 3.11.8

Students will imagine a new species of animal by combining 2 or 3 different animals. They will list the animal's qualities, food needs, habitat and life cycles. They will then create a photo shopped version of their animal and insert their information and image into a magazine format.

Invented Creature - English
Ma creature
Creature inventée - National Geographic -
Copy of Butterfly Magazine français
Butterfly Magazine français

Butterfly Magazine 3.11.2, 3.11.3, 3.11.6, 3.11.8

An ebook students can use as an obseration journal as they raise butterflies in class.

Butterfly Colouring

Animal Life Cycles Templates


  1. PowerKnowledge Life Cycles PowerKnowlege has 8 sections on Life Cycles. Videos, web links, games, listen feature, and a list of science experiments are included.

  2. Study Jams Life Cycles

  3. Biology4Kids Quiz: Amphibians - How well do you know amphibians? Test your knowledge.

  4. The Bird Life Cycle -learn about the bird life cycle

  5. Frog Metamorphosis - Follow the development of egg to tadpole to frog in these images

  6. Animal Life Cycles (investigate the life cycle of the frog, butterfly, mosquito, ladybug and the fly)

Suggested links from ORC: Amazing Animals of the World, Britannica School