Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship Lessons and Projects
Quality of Life: Think about your quality of life! What makes you feel healthy, happy, secure, safe, and comfortable?
What factors contribute to your quality of life?
These might include:
Food and water, clothing and shelter, friends and family, job or source of money to buy necessary things, schooling to be able to read and write, freedom to act and ability to get around (transportation), opportunities to do interesting things, safety and protection, health care, other

Micronation: Create your own Country! Students will create their own country and decide on the style of government, priorities for quality of life, create a map, a coat of arms, and discuss goods and services. Updated by Adrienne Biever and Darren Maltais, Black Gold Regional Schools, 2017.
Micronation: Créez votre propre pays! Les élèves créeront leur propre pays et décideront du style de gouvernement, créeront une carte, un blason et discuteront les biens et services et la qualité de vie. Translated by Adrienne Biever, Black Gold Regional Schools, 2017.