Hearing & Sound

Hearing and Sound Projects

Student Copy Predicting Sound Waves
Predicting Sound Waves

Identify examples of vibration. 3.9.1

Students predict what certain sound waves will look like and draw them, then compare to the actual sound wave.

Good Vibrations: 3.9.2 & 3.9.4 Recognizing and experimenting with volume and pitch and how they affect sound waves.

Record your voice using Twisted Wave and analyze the vibration.

Science: Hearing and Sound: Good Vibrations
Science: Son et ouie: bonnes vibrations!

3.9.2 Recognizing and experimenting with volume and how it affects sound waves.

Students record their voices, edit their sound file, and alter the audio, then create art with their recorded names.

Sound Wave Art
Sound Wave Name Art

Student Samples

Les Decibels

Recognize that there are ways of measuring the loudness of sounds 3.9.3

Students using newer Chromebooks can use decibel readers from the Google Play Store. Teachers can also install decibel readers on school iPads or tablets. Black Gold has tablets available for loan with decibel readers as well.

Demonstrate a variety of ways of producing sounds; e.g., by striking an empty glass, by blowing air into a bottle, by constructing and using a device that involves vibrating strings. 3.9.5

Students will record themselves creating sounds and altering them.

Ways of Producing Sound
Instrument making English Take Home
Instrument Devoir: élève

Use sound-producing devices that the student has constructed to demonstrate methods for controlling the loudness, pitch and quality of sound produced. (Part One) 3.9.6

Students will create an instrument with which they are able to control loudness, pitch and quality of sound.

Part Two (3.9.6)

Students can record themselves singing and playing Happy Birthday with their instrument using School Video Recorder for Google Drive OR you can have them collaborate and record themselves playing in Soundtrap, an online recording program.

How to use School Video Recorder for Google Drive

Producing Music With Your Instruments
Créer de la musique avec tes instruments

Ear Labelling (Terms need to be added.)

Describe how the human ear senses vibrations. 3.9.8

Labeling activity and a video summarizing activity about human hearing.

Describe how the human ear senses vibrations. 3.9.8

Labeling activity and a video summarizing activity about human hearing.

Animal Hearing Trading Card

Compare the range of hearing in humans to that in other animals; e.g., dogs and bats. 3.9.9

Animal Hearing Trading Cards: Research to learn more about how humans use sound to hear and communicate. You will first explore how our ears work and record your findings on this diagram. Then create a human hearing trading card and an animal trading card and compare the two.

Recognize that certain sounds have characteristics that cause them to be interpreted as pleasant or unpleasant, and identify these characteristics. 3.9.10

Students will listen to a series of sounds and decide if they find them pleasant or unpleasant.

Quelle musique!

Pleasant or unpleasant sounds. 3.9.10

Students will choose images of their three most pleasant, and three most unpleasant sounds.

Identifying Sounds

Sounds for Sound Listening Activity

How old are your ears ? 3.9.11

Describe changes in hearing that result from continued exposure to loud noise and from the natural process of aging.

Communication Project
Communication Without Sound.webm

Explain the role that sound plays in communication. 3.9.13

Students will create a Screencastify video in which they record a simple phrase They will turn off the microphone so that there is no sound in their video. The teacher will then share the videos with the class and students have to try to determine what each student said.

About Lip Reading

Have some music fun by experimenting in the Chrome Music Lab!

Hearing and Sound Templates


  1. PowerKnowledge Ears PowerKnowledge had 10 sections on ears and hearing.

  2. PowerKnowledge: Sound also has 7 sections on how sound works. Videos, web links, games, listen feature, and a list of science experiments are included.

  3. What is Sound? Learn about sound waves and how we use it.

  4. How Hearing Works (How Stuff Works)