Testing Materials & Designs

Testing Materials and Designs Lessons and Projects

Analyzing Structures, their purpose and strengths:  3.7.5, 3.8.1 & 3.8.7

Junior Architects

Junior Architects: 

Take your students through a series of challenges and activities that have them building, testing and evaluating materials. 

 for a preview and copy of the the template. 

Recognize that functional structures must be sufficiently strong and stable and that unstable or weak structures are often unsafe to use: 3.8.1 & 3.8.7

Students find samples bridges, highlight what parts make it strong or weak.

What Went Wrong with the Houses?

Recognize that functional structures must be sufficiently strong and stable and that unstable or weak structures are often unsafe to use 3.8.1 & 3.8.7

Students watch The Three Little Pigs and determine what was wrong with their building methods and materials.

Selecting and testing materials 3.8.3

Students will determine which materials are suitable for building.

Copy of Matériels de construction
Matériels de construction
Construction Materials

Selecting and testing materials 3.8.3

Students will determine which materials are suitable for building.

Testing Materials and Designs Lessons and Projects
