Summer School Information

Maggie L. Walker students are allowed to take summer school for the following purposes:

    • Repeating a class for credit after failing during the school year. Only one core course per content area is permitted. Summer school grade and credit will be included on student transcript and will count towards GPA (as will failed class).

    • Health/PE credits for 9th and 10th grade. These classes will count for credit and the grade will be listed on the student transcript. The grade will not be included in the grade point average calculation.

    • Economics and Personal Finance credit. Same rules apply as for health/pe summer school credits if taken through student's home school division. If class is taken during the summer through MLWGS, then the grade will count towards the student GPA.

Maggie L. Walker does not offer summer school classes, except for online Economics and Personal Finance. Students and parents need to contact their participating school division for information about specific summer school programs. It is the student's responsibility to register with their home school division for summer school and follow all division deadlines and policies. In addition, students are encouraged to confirm that the school counseling department at MLWGS receives the grade and credit for summer school classes taken.

This chart outlines options for Economics and Personal Finance as well as Health/PE. The counseling department recommends that students take Health/PE during the school day and Economics and Personal Finance online either during the summer or school year.

Online Courses

  • Online Economics and Personal Finance taken during the school year will not count towards the required seven credit minimum enrollment. MLWGS does recommend (but does not require) taking a study hall in conjunction with the online Economics and Personal Finance class taken during the school year.

  • Students should complete 10th grade Health/PE and Economics and Personal Finance by the end of their junior school year. Under special circumstances, the Director may approve senior year enrollment.

  • It is recommended that students take Economics and Personal Finance during their sophomore or junior years (summers after 9th and 10th grade included).

  • Econ/Personal Finance summer course runs 8 weeks, from first week after school until 1st which includes a two week break. Specific dates for summer class are available on the school's homepage by going to the Academics Tab and then clicking on "Summer Assignments."

    • Econ/Personal Finance course contains 160 modules with 4 quarter tests and two semester exams (must be completed at MLWGS).

  • During the 8 week Econ/Personal Finance summer sessions, student should plan to spend approximately 20 hours per week.

  • Students may take each half of Economics and Personal Finance separately and one is not a prerequisite for the other.