Around 15 billion years ago, there existed a small, dense ball of gas that turned into the cosmos called ‘The Universe’ after the biggest explosion ever, ‘The Big Bang’ as said by scientists. So, let us know more about The Big Bang theory that explains all about the beginning of our very own universe.

No stars or planets existed back then, neither did the galaxies. The condition of the Universe was unstable and had a super-hot temperature (5 billion degrees Celsius). Along with continuous expansion, there was also a decrease in the temperature resulting in the combining of quarks resulting in the formation of neutrons and protons.

After some seconds, hydrogen and helium nuclei were created due to combining of protons and neutrons after furthermore decrease in the temperature of the universe. Then took place the recombination of protons and electrons after some years. Then galaxies came into existence, just like our milky way that formed some 100 million years after the big bang when clouds of dust rotated at a very high speed, shaping our disc-shaped, circular milky way.

The Sun is said to have originated about 8 billion years after the formation of the milky way; just after a few million years of the the formation of our solar system. It is believed that the Sun was not the first star to have evolved as many stars existed before it and few formed after the appearance of the Sun. Our Earth was created around 4.6 billion years ago; after a few million years of the formation of the Sun.

By Pratyaksh Verma, SMS Janakpuri, India

By Pratyaksh Verma, SMS Janakpuri, India

By Anushka Singh, SMS Janakpuri, India

By Shreyas Mothsra, SMS Janakpuri, India

By Tajrobawi Girls School, Afghanistan