Watch out this video to find out the answers to your queries regarding Universe.

By Pratyaksh Verma, Bhavika Lalwani, Lakshay Sharma and Pranjal Jindal, SMS Janakpuri, India

What is 'dark energy'?

A type of energy which pulls the universe apart and surrounds most of the universe.

What is 'big freeze theory'?

The Big Freeze theory refers to the idea of astrophysicists that the universe's temperature will decrease to 0 degrees Celsius. It is also called the heat death.

How was 'Milky way' galaxy created?

Milky Way was created when dust and stars joined together forming swirling clouds which rotated at high speed and shaped our galaxy into a round disc.

What is a galaxy?

Cluster of millions of stars formed long ago due to combining of stars and dust in space is what we call a 'GALAXY'.

How much temperature was there after 'big bang' explosion?

The temperature of the universe after the explosion was 5 billion degrees Celsius.

What is 'Dark Matter'?

Dark mater is believed to be the one which acts with gravity and pulls the universe to make a reverse Big Bang or the Big Crunch. Dark Matter is the reason why scientists came up with the idea that the universe will contract and once again become into a small, dense and hot ball of gas. It is also possible that the whole process starts again with maybe new life and rewritten laws of physics and chemistry

According to research, will the universe end, or countinuosly expand forever?

Scientists have many theories about the universe. They are not even sure if the universe will undergo Big Crunch or Big Freeze. Although after Albert Einstein was proved wrong for his idea of a static universe and when it was discovered that the expansion speed of the universe is accelerating, scientists think that there are high chances for the universe to expand forever and undergo Big Freeze. Otherwise, if there is enough dark matter, then the expansion would completely stop and start contracting and undergo Big Crunch.

Does sound travel faster in space?

Sound does not travel at all in space. The vacuum of outer space has essentially zero air. Because sound is just vibrating air, space has no air to vibrate and therefore no sound.

Galaxies look stationary, so why do scientists say that they rotate?

Galaxies do indeed rotate due to which they have flattened round shape but they look frozen at one place because of their huge size, very high speed and very large distance.

Why are all stars fixed in space?

The stars we see are all part of our, Milky Way galaxy but they're so far that they seem to have no movement relative to each other. That is why stars appear fixed relative to each other.

What makes space so cold?

Space is cold because of the less jiggling motion between molecules because of the expansion of universe.

How does black hole give off light?

A black hole itself does not give off any light that is why it is called black. However, matter that is near a black hole can give off light in response to the black hole's gravity.

What is the overall electric charge of the current universe?

In the current universe, all evidences suggest that the number of electrons in the universe is almost identical to number of protons making the universe electrically neutral i.e. zero charge.

Where is the centre and edge of the universe?

There is no center and edge of the Universe as it is continuously expanding and the expansion is uniform all over the galaxies.

By Lakshay Sharma and Pratyaksh Verma, SMS Janakpuri, India