Let's take a Virtual Tour of the Universe and Explore amazing facts about it...

This website will give you an insight of the origin and evolution of the universe, the sun and the earth while dealing with asteroids coming from outer space, the collision of the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies, the increasing distance of the moon in relation to the earth, the death of the sun and the end of the universe in which we live.

Earth is the only place in the known universe confirmed to host life. Hence, Earth, our home planet is inhabited by an amazing variety of living creatures, among which at present are 7 billion humans, is a world unlike any other. We need to conserve our mother Earth for our present and future generations.

We all are a part of this big Universe. We may all be different in our caste, creed, colour,  religion and nationality but we still belong to one human race - MANKIND. Diversity is our strength and makes us come out as a winner out of all the challenges.

The year 2020 has been unusual and unforeseen in the entire human history filled with challenges, the foremost among them being the COVID 19 pandemic and the resultant physical, psychological, and emotional trauma along with the ever so widening economic inequality. However, this year gave us a chance to look back and reflect on the things that we are grateful for – the things that hitherto went unnoticed and unacknowledged. It also brought us together to unite and fight against the global peril – the coronavirus. We have learned that we are stronger than we expected ourselves to be and in spite of various roadblocks, we still can be hopeful and optimistic for a bright future- A future where all people shall understand the importance of unity and equality in their lives and all get equal opportunities to prosper and live a peaceful life.

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By Lakshay Sharma and Pratyaksh Verma, SMS, Janakpuri India

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By Anushka Singh and Khwahish Makkar, SMS, Janakpuri India