What Is Social Life?

Matthew Tigges - Lake Central, USA

“Don’t post everything you think, don’t post your feelings; don’t do it to yourself.” – Billie Eilish.

Our lives are surrounded by social media. We consider our social media as our social life these days. No matter wherever we go we find it important as well as necessary to post and update our feeds on the respective sites we use. It’s okay to tell people around us what are we up to once in a while but sharing every little details is harmful and has effects on our health too. At first glance it may seem like a surprising notion that social media can affect your health. When we consider how much time people spend engaging on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others, however, it really makes sense.

Written by: Akshita, Disha, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP, India

Risks Of Using Social Media

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1. Addiction: Since childhood, we have been taught that addiction to anything and everything is harmful but still, most of us forget this one simple sentence and get addicted to something. Here we are considering the fact that most of us have phones and a majority of us are addicted to it. This addiction starts the moment we stop using social media as a virtual site and start using it as a part of our life and then we find it hard to escape it. This addiction starts consuming most of our time and affects our mental as well as physical health.

Written by: Akshita, Disha, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP, India

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2. Physical health: Carpal tunnel syndrome, eye problem, fatigue lack of exercise, lack of sleep, social withdrawal and distraction are some problems associated with social media addiction. This may seem minor but when applied in real life all these problems can be very harmful.

Written by: Akshita, Disha, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP, India


3. Emotional connections: Although social media is a platform that connects you with hundreds of people, it can be an emotional baggage which could be overwhelming to maintain. We might get a healthy relationship out of it but at times it leads to heavy heart break which causes emotional stress. There’s plenty of evidence that social isolation is associated with a shorter life span and diminished quality of life. We get so caught up with our social life that we forget to pay attention towards live interactions which is much more important.

Written by: Akshita, Disha, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP, India



4. Excessive information: “Half knowledge is more harmful than no knowledge.” we find a large amount of information on social media. It could be helpful. However, at times people read only the half of it and derive their own meanings out of it. Also, the content can be manipulative which can be extremely harmful to society.

Written by: Akshita, Disha, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP, India


5. Stress: Stress is something that comes with social media. For instance; stress of posting something, always being updated, being popular and there are so many more but what people forget is that it can have fatal effects on your health and mind. If you spend the majority of your time arguing and overthinking over something that isn’t worth your time you become frustrated and blame things around you when its the internet that's causing the problem. This then affects your mind, your attitude and your day to day life.

Written by: Akshita, Disha, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP, India

Using Social Media In A Healthy Way

If you start using social media consciously with moderation, it will have positive impacts on you and your health. Here are a few tips to help with you this.

1. Create a scheduled time and use social media at that particular time only.

2. Do not let social media interfere with your work or personal life.

3. Engage yourself with some creative activities or complete your unfinished tasks to reduce your time on phone and put it somewhere more productive.

4. If you are facing a serious addiction problem then you should seek professional help.

5. Use social media for information and knowledge but do not trust everything blindly and always recheck or consult your information with someone.

6. Never use social media or any other communication platforms while driving or any potentially hazardous activity.

7. Making friends on social media is good but you should not let that affect your live interactions with people. You should take out time for them.

8. Don't let your virtual relations spoil your real wold relations.

9. Give space to improvement and change but never let negative comments affect you in any possible way. If you know you are right then, be yourself and continue the way you like it.

10. Try skipping phone or social media for a few days once in a while and you will have a lot more time to do other things. The results can be amazing. Apparently, social media consumes a lot of your time but skipping it can become a major life changer.

Written by: Akshita, Disha, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP, India

Watch this video to know the usage of social media in today's world and the effect it has on today's world.


Watch this interview with a student at Lake Central High School to see how people think about having a social life.

This video gives you a glimpse of the positive and negative effects of Social Media.


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A beautiful video on social media