“I got no time to worry

About troubles or misgivings

You got to let it flow, let yourself go

‘Cause if you’re hating, then you sure ain’t living

Give me some Peace, Love, and Happiness”

- Beatles

Discovering Peace, Love and Happiness in Ourselves

Disha, Akshita, Sakshi, and Anubha- SMS, Janakpuri, India


1. Figuring out personal motivations:

Happiness does not come out in the same way for each individual. Some might satisfy their souls in money or power, whereas others may need inner peace or personal betterment to secure happiness.

We need to look closely at our surroundings, our skills, and also to our life circumstances. It will help us understand what we can do in life that can bring us self-satisfaction, motivation, inner peace, and happiness.

Written by : Disha, Akshita, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP,India


2. Embrace Forgiveness

A key element of finding peace, as well as being able to focus on love and happiness, is embracing forgiveness. You should know how to forgive people for what have they have done to you and release all the anger and grudges that you hold within yourself. This is not to say that forgiveness is easy. It can take time to work through the pain, hurt, and disappointment others can cause but with time you should let yourself heal. Sometimes forgiveness simply means letting go of pain and disappointment. If you cannot speak to the person who caused you pain, you can still work on forgiveness.

Written by : Disha, Akshita, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP,India


3 Love Yourself

To succeed in achieving inner love, peace, and happiness, we should: appreciate ourselves, accept our physical characteristics for which we have always despised ourselves, and embrace a personality trait that we have always seen as a flaw.

To accept ourselves is to acknowledge and identify our greatest strengths and weaknesses. Accepting ourselves also means coming to terms with our failures and domains where we need improvement. Following these things will help us to step up our games and make positive changes in our bodies.

Written by : Disha, Akshita, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP,India


4. Initiate a daily happiness routine

Discovering satisfaction in yourself can be a great step towards finding overall contentment in yourself. We should find something to be happy about in our everyday life. A regular happiness practice will guarantee that you find that thing every day.

Roots of happiness varies from person to person. Some might find happiness in spiritual activities while others might find it in books or a night stroll. Whatever you think will clear your mind and enliven your energy, try it for a while to see if it will improve your life.

One way to care for yourself is to take at least a few minutes every day to meditate and relax. Simply stop all your thoughts, relax your body, and come to rest for one minute. If you like, visualize the cosmos around you or a universe full of stars. Put your hands in your lap, with your back straight and your stomach relaxed. Then bring your mind completely to rest.

Written by : Disha, Akshita, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP,India


5. Developing Beautiful Relationships :

One way to have peace love and happiness within yourself is by developing beautiful and meaningful relationships. These could be romantic relationships, but they could also be friendships or new relationships with family members.Love is present in all forms. It doesn’t needs a language to define it. You can find it in every living being; all you need is an open mind with an open heart. Building relationships can be hard at times but with kindness, respect and trust you can always fix problems.

Written by : Disha, Akshita, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP,India


6. Be kind to everyone

Spreading peace, love and happiness requires everyone’s initiative and every little step matters. You can start by being kind to everyone because just one kind word can change someone’s entire day. This could mean just being polite to people you meet, talking to a person you think needs it or being there for your friends and family. All these things might seem small but it can leave a great impact on others.

Written by : Disha, Akshita, Sakshi and Anubha - IX SMSJP,India

7. Feel Happy, Look Happy

The way you feel shows on the outside and is projected on to other people. If you feel angry, upset, annoyed, or frustrated, this can affect how you come across to other people. It can also affect our thoughts and how we handle events throughout the day. If you wake up everyday with a positive and happy mindset, then you will be better emotionally and better things will happen to you and people around you.

Written by : Ralph - Lake Central High School

Check out this video to know what exactly is happiness and how we can be happy. If we are happy, we will see love all around us and we will be at peace.

A beautiful painting by Baran Alp Ocal of TED, Ronesans Collage Turkey on Love, Peace and Happiness