Yoga and Depression

Yoga and Depression

Yoga, was most likely originated in Ancient India. The people of India used yoga to release the soul from the body to access the spirit realm. American yoga is used for relaxation, and exercise. A way you could use yoga to fend off depression is using yoga to distract yourself from all the bad things in the world, and put your mind at ease. Just focus on the stretching, exercise, and relaxation. Yoga is full of stretching your body, and exercising that can be very good for your whole body, and is a great for getting better outlooks on things in life! Yoga with baby goats is a fun, and distracting way to do yoga, maybe even a little easier way to do yoga. The babies are used to be a distraction from the strain of the poses in yoga. Some may look down on yoga, and think it is just a simple workout, but through the strain of the yoga poses you can reach a peaceful state of calm, and centeredness. It can be used to relieve stress on the mind, and the body. As well as stress, yoga can relieve anxiety that you might have about something going on in your life. Studies show that people with who do yoga experience less pain than people who have a lot of stress or have a stress caused condition called Fibromyalgia. Yoga in multiple ways including depression, and pain tolerance help your physical, mental body. Also teens who are still easily mobile can easily do yoga. Oga requires little to no practice, but rather a guide via video or in person.

By: Aiden Kennon USA

How does yoga affect depression?

Yoga is a physical exercise that involves different body poses, breathing techniques, and meditation. The therapy may help with depression and your symptoms, such as difficulty concentrating or loss of energy.

Many people use yoga therapy to manage:

  • mental and emotional problems, such as stress, anxiety, or depression
  • conditions and disorders, such as ongoing low back pain
  • chronic or long-term pain
  • overall health and well-being

Yoga can:

  • reduce the impact of stress
  • help with anxiety and depression
  • be a self-soothing technique similar to meditation, relaxation, and exercise
  • improve energy