"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny."

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We have created this site and have chosen this topic because Teenage Depression is increasing at an alarming rate and needs to be treated as soon as possible. It’s a real condition that can interfere in daily life, lead to suicidal thoughts and behavior, and go on to affect a person throughout life. So, it is very important to make this problem come in the eyes of the audience.

Depression can be caused by range of either external (such as family problems, or relationship breakdowns), or internal factors (including low self-esteem, loneliness, or lack of support). Some people know what exactly has triggered their depression, however, for others, it can be hard to understand why they feel the way they do. That is why we have created this site so that people can learn the signs and symptoms of depression. And know what to watch for in themselves and those around them.

Many people don’t understand mental illness, which can result in the belittling of those who are suffering from it. When people who are depressed and having suicidal thoughts feel misunderstood or discriminated against, it can have deadly consequences.

This is why it’s so crucial to spread awareness of depression and suicide.

However, in spite of the seriousness of mental illness, there is still a societal stigma associated with it that needs to be broken down.

We decided to create this site as a call for action. We hope it will bring curiosity and access to people who need to seek help.

Homepage and Banner Design By- Pratibha Khullar and Garima Khullar (India)