The Governance and Management of the University
The University of Peradeniya has a legacy as it inherits from the first university, the “The University of Ceylon” established in Colombo in 1942. Since its establishment, the University has evolved with the vision of its forefathers to be a centre of excellence in higher education. It has now become a top-ranked university in the country. It is by far the largest and most comprehensive University in the country.
The administrative structure of the University is governed by the Universities Act No l6 of I978 as amended. The Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Deans of faculties, Registrar, Librarian and Bursar, are the officers of the University where the Council, Senate, and Faculty Boards are the governing authorities to manoeuvre the operations of the University. Under these officers and governing authorities, there are many departments, divisions, centres and units within the University to facilitate the general, financial and academic administration of the University. The postgraduate arm of the University has been extended by four postgraduate institutes affiliated with the University by separate Ordinances. The operations of the University are guided by the directives defined in the Universities Act, in which specific clauses have been amended since its enactment. The administrative procedures are guided by the other relevant Acts, Establishments Code of the University Grants Commission and Higher Education Institutions, UGC circulars and Establishment Code of the Government of Sri Lanka; Ordinances passed by the Parliament and the Circulars issued from time to time by various ministries and departments which the University Grants Commission adapts. In addition, the academic and general administrations are also guided by By-laws passed by the Governing Council from time to time. The Treasury directives, which the University Grants Commission adopts, govern the financial management procedures.