Twinfield Union School

School Mission:  The mission of the Twinfield Union School community is to educate all students to become responsible, productive, critical-thinking, lifelong-learning citizens in a safe, nurturing environment of mutual respect, high standards, creativity, and academic excellence.

Unique Child + Unique School = Meaningful Education for Individual and Community

Twinfield Union High School is the only high school in a rural K-12 district that serves roughly 300 students from Marshfield and Plainfield, just over an hour south of the Canadian border. It boasts strong student-to-teacher relationships as a benefit of the school’s small size.

About the School: Twinfield Union High School has 103 students (2% Black, 85% White, 1% Asian, 2% Hispanic, 10% Multi-racial, 0.3% American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander), 40% on Free/Reduced lunch, and 21% SWD.

Key Takeaways

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