Del Lago Academy

About the School

Mission: Preparing future scholars, innovators, and world citizens. 

The second school that we visited was Del Lago Academy in Escondido, California. This school, located about 30 miles north of San Diego, serves those students in the Escondido Union High School District who choose to attend, as well as students from neighboring districts.

Del Lago Academy describes itself as having a “core academic program that engages scholars in real-world learning in order to prepare them better for success in college and career.” The school operates on a 4x4 block schedule with an “X block” (exploratory period) on Tuesdays and Thursdays and an advisory period on Wednesdays. (Here is the daily schedule..)

Del Lago Academy emphasizes personalized learning, meaningful personal relationships within a small school model. Their advisory structure, and emphasis on “integrated problem-based learning that calls on scholars to reflect their personal interests and experiences in their work” create an environment where students are known well and deeply engaged in relevant learning experiences.

About the School: Del Lago is one of six high schools in the Escondido Union High School District and  has 774 students with a 24:1 student:teacher ratio.  The student population is diverse: 20.3% White, 68.2% Hispanic, 5.3% Asian, 1.3% African American, and 68.7% Socioeconomically disadvantaged.  Their SWD population is 8.8%.

Key Takeaways

Detailed Summary

What did we see and hear today that we want to capture?

Overall Philosophy

All three must be in harmony to create successful change.

Schedule and Grading

Career Exploration: Students in ninth grade meet with counselors to begin identifying potential career paths. As tenth graders, they exchange 2-3 emails with an e-mentor from a field they are interested in. In eleventh grade, they apply for internships. Every junior completes an internship experience that lasts five weeks (twice a week for 4 hours a day).

Other observations/notes