Virtual School Programs


are virtualsc classes right for me?

VirtualSC courses are incredibly self-driven. You must have good time management skills and the ability to consistently complete + submit work on time in order to not fall behind. The classes move at a faster pace than in person courses, so falling behind on assignments can make it more difficult to catch back up.

The courses do not involve any zoom classes, so students do the work on their own time. However, teachers are still availabe for extra help. They will offer some type of extra help for students, whether it is weekly zoom office hours or the ability to schedule a meeting for more personalized help. 

If there are no zoom lessons, how do students learn? Depending on how the individual class is structured, students may learn by watching videos of lessons, reading material, and completing assignments/projects based on these methods of instruction. 

Each class and teacher may have a different format so it is important the student actively communicates with their teacher and reads the introductory information that will be provided at the start of the course. 

Directions on How to Create an Account + Register for Courses

2023-2024 Important Dates 

2023-2024 Available Courses



greenville county virtual school program (gcvsp)

-------------------------------------SECOND SEMESTER OPTIONS-------------------------------------

november 30th 

Deadline to complete the application for an individual GCVSP course for 2nd semester this year (Spring 2024). 

To sign up for a GCVS course, students must complete the application below.  

interested in being completely virtual for 2nd semester (Spring 2024)?

During the 2024-2025 Virtual Program application window of Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. through on Friday, December 1st, 2023 at 11:59 p.m., parents WILL NOT be able to apply for the current school year using Parent Backpack.  

If you want to apply for Semester 2, please apply before November 1st or after December 1st. After December 1st and up to December 12th, parents will be able to apply to the Virtual Program through Parent Backpack for the current school year. 

-------------------------------------2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR OPTION-------------------------------------

For more information, please explore the GCVS website!

interested in being completely virtual next year but still in district?

All Greenville County students have the opportunity to apply for the full-time Virtual Program. 

The SECOND application window for the 2024-2025 GCS Virtual Program

OPENS: 8:00 AM on Thursday, December 14th, 2023

CLOSES: 11:59 PM on Sunday, February 4th, 2024

GCSVP Magnet Program Flyer.pdf
GCSVP Registration Information Session .mp4

-------------------------------------GCVSP Q + A-------------------------------------

Q: how do i apply?

A: To apply, students must be enrolled in Greenville County Schools, and parents must have a BackPack account. A video tutorial on how to apply can be found in this GCVSP Presentation.

Q: how is it determined who gets accepted and who doesn't?

A: Acceptance into the Virtual Program is not guaranteed just by applying through BackPack.  Student’s grades, attendance, previous performance in the Virtual Program, and schedule/credit needs will all play a factor in whether a student is accepted or declined for the 2024-2025 school year.

Q: how will I know if i was accepted?

A: The district will email notifications of acceptance and Virtual Program contracts by February 12, 2024.  Students in the Virtual Program will be scheduled based on grade level and academic record.

Q: what is it like being completely virtual through gcvsp?

A: Students will be expected to participate daily in live sessions at scheduled times with their cameras on and their faces visible. Those who fail to do so will be marked absent and are subject to truancy consequences.  Exceptions are based on extenuating circumstances and must be pre-approved in advance by a Virtual Program Administrator.  

Q: what if i'm already in the virtual program for this year?

A: **If your student is currently attending the Virtual Program for the current school year (23-24) and you want them to participate in the Virtual Program for the 24-25 school year, you MUST APPLY AGAIN.  Your student WILL NOT automatically be enrolled in the Virtual Program for the 24-25 school year.** 

Q: what if i missed the deadline?

A: The first application window is for those who are certain they want students to participate in the Virtual Program next fall. The Virtual Program will be staffed based on this early sign-up. Greenville County Schools will reopen the window during the second semester in order to create a waitlist.  Students on the waitlist will be scheduled based on the availability of space in the Virtual Program.

Q: What if i was approved for a magnet or choice slot after acceptance?

A: Students accepted into the Virtual Program for the 2024-2025 school year WILL NOT be eligible for Magnet Academies or changes in assignment choice.  If a student is approved for a magnet or choice slot after being accepted into the Virtual Program, parents must state their intent by the deadline or forfeit their Choice/Magnet slot

Q: does it cost money?

A: If you are taking an individual course through GCVSP during the SUMMER, then it costs money. If you are taking a summer course, your counselor will send you the payment information needed.

Otherwise, Fall + Spring GCVS courses are free.