
2023-2024 Syllabus

Contact Information:

Name: Betsy Brown


Phone number: (864)355-7600

Website Link: 


In partnership with home and community, our mission is to Prepare, Respect, Enrich, and Succeed.

Vision and Beliefs:

We envision a school where:

           *There is mutual respect, honest, responsibility, and cooperation among the school community.

           *Home, community, and school work together to benefit all students.

           *The environment is safe, secure, and inviting and promotes student learning.

           *Curriculum and instruction meet the needs of all students.

           *Students are equipped with skills which enable them to apply learning in a meaningful context.

           *All students are equipped to use technology and research skills to gain knowledge for lifelong learning.

Daily Schedule:

7:45-8:15  Morning Meeting and Math/ELA Review with IXL

8:15-9:00 Math Workshop

Math Resource Pullout 8:30-9:00

9:00-9:45 Related Arts



Wednesday- Computer Lab 1

Thursday- A Week=Library, B Week =Guidance

Friday- P.E.

9:45-10:50 ELA/Reading Workshop

IRA/Shared Reading

Guided Reading

11:25-12:00 Physical Activity 

12:00-12:35 ELA Workshop Language and Word Study

12:35-1:05 Lunch

1:05-2:05 Challenge 2 days a week

2:05-2:10 Reading Workshop- Language and Word Study

2:15 Dismissal

Classroom Expectations/Management:

All third-grade students are expected to:

          *Follow directions

          *Be respectful

          *Do his/her best

          *Be prepared.  This means that Chromebooks come to school each day fully charged.  Students should bring the charger to school each day just in case (we have no extra chargers or Chromebooks in our classroom).   Students are expected to have and replace their own school supplies throughout the year.

Third-grade classes have a system of positive rewards and consequences, based on their behavior and effort in class.  Parents are notified of behavioral concerns.  My students earn a "salary" of $1 a day, to purchase fun prizes in the class store on Friday afternoons.  Students must follow our class-created rules to earn their daily salary.  Homework will be Mondays through Thursdays.

If there are behavioral concerns,  students fill out a Behavior Plan to think about how they could have behaved differently, and this is signed by parents.  Serious behavioral concerns would mean a referral, and a conference with parents.  

Missed Work and Make-Up Policy

Provisions for make-up work missed during excused absences shall be arranged with the teacher(s) concerned at the earliest time possible, but should not exceed five (5) school days after the student returns to school.

E-Learning Guidelines:

If there is inclement weather,  classroom assignments will be posted on Google Classroom.  This would be a combination of Google Meets, Google Slides, and assigned web-based learning.  

Grading Guidelines:

A 90-100

B 80-89

C      70-79


F      Anything below 68

Parent Communication:

Emails will be answered within 24 hours.  I check my emails at 7:15 a.m. and again at 3:00 p.m.  This allows me to give students my full attention.  Google Classroom will be used for students to show parents samples of their work.  Parent conferences will be in the fall and spring, but may also be set up throughout the year by calling or emailing.   

Weekly communication is through a Parent Newsletter emailed each Friday.  Parents should check student grades or missing assignments through Backpack.  The link is found on the school's website.  Backpack allows you to check assignments, manage lunch accounts or school fees, and check attendance.   It is parents' responsibility to get their Backpack password through coming to the school office in person with ID.  

Scope and Sequence:

Copy of Scope and Sequence for Third Grade.docx