Technology Proficiency

As a result of the SDE deleting requirements for Certified Staff to maintain Technology Proficiency, GCS will no longer be tracking or requiring technology proficiency records in Lawson Global HR as of August 1, 2023. While the state no longer requires teachers to carry technology proficiency designation, it remains crucial to cultivate and enhance instructional technology skills for future growth and adaptability for both teachers and students. Therefore, the Instructional Technology Department will still be offering Professional Development training, as well as, graduate-level courses throughout the year for Certified Staff to maintain their teaching certifications. 

Beginning July 1, 2022, Technology Proficiency will now be maintained in Lawson Employee Space 

**Updating Your Technology Proficiency Status                                    

Technology Proficiency Changes Effective 9/17/21: 

Print your PD hours or Save them as a PDF

Checking Your Technology Proficiency Status  - GCS

Checking Your Technology Proficiency Status  - SDE

Classes for Initial Tech Certification (GCS approved)

Instructional Technology Home Page

Technology  Proficiency FAQs

1- Who needs to be technology proficient?

All full-time personnel who maintain a Professional teaching certificate need to obtain and maintain technology proficiency. Building principals, assistant principals, and non-certified personnel are exempt. Administrative assistants at the building level are not exempt.

 2- I just received my Professional Teaching Certificate from the State, when do I need to obtain technology proficiency?

Educators should obtain their technology proficiency within one (1) year of receiving their Professional teaching certificate.

 3- I just transferred in from another district or state and had achieved technology proficiency; does that technology proficiency transfer to Greenville County?

Beginning Fall 2021, educators new to Greenville County Schools may transfer their initial technology proficiency status to GCS with valid documentation from a previous district or state. Please note that the documentation must indicate the proficiency was obtained within five years of the educator’s start date in GCS in order to receive approval. For example, if an educator transfers to GCS on August 1, 2022, he or she would need to provide documentation that he or she earned initial technology proficiency in a previous district or state between August 1, 2017 and July 31, 2022. Educators who do not transfer initial technology proficiency will have two years from their GCS start date to earn initial technology proficiency.

 4- To whom do I submit my technology proficiency paperwork?

You can submit your request for initial technology proficiency or technology proficiency renewal in Global HR/Employee Space. The Technology Proficiency in Global HR User Guide contains detailed directions.

Requests for initial technology proficiency should be submitted as soon as you receive confirmation of successful course completion or have earned 30 hours of professional development as noted on your PD record. Requests for technology proficiency renewals should be submitted the semester that your technology proficiency expires. For example, if your technology proficiency expires in June 2023, you can submit your request January - June 2023.

For more information about tech proficiency -

Click here for a list of courses.

After a teacher has met the requirements to gain a professional teaching certificate they must become technology proficient. Initial technology proficiency is gained by earning 30 technology in-service points through approved technology PD, or an approved Intel/ALIVE course. After initial tech proficiency is achieved, it must be renewed every 5 years. Renewal is granted with 15 technology in-service points.

Questions regarding technology proficiency should be addressed to